Chapter 29

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We all stayed in the same house that night. Rick insisted . Not that I minded, I didn't want us to be separated again.

Carl and I fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms . Judith fell asleep in Sunny's arms. Both girls were asleep before the sun even went the whole way down .

Deanna bugged us a little and gave Rick and Michonne jobs as the constables. That seemed like a cool job and with the amount of people, they wouldn't have much to do.

I think Carl found some friends . A girl name Enid was shot by some mystery person as we made our way into the house . It was kinda sad, actually . Now I'd have no female friends.


When the sun rose, I yawned and crawled out of Carl's grasp gently . I looked around and saw Dad up, staring out the window like before.

Everyone else was asleep, except Rick and Michonne who weren't here.

"Have you been up all night , Dad?" I whispered .

His tired eyes met mine .

"We won't have to really do anything for a few hours. Go ahead and sleep. Rick and Michonne will be out there doin their jobs. We'll be fine ," I assured him .

"Yes ma'am," He grumbled , laying down onto the floor. I sighed and covered him up with the blanket Rick had been using . We all had at least one blanket.

Dad leaned up to kiss my forehead then lay back down .  I decided to sleep in a bit, so I made my way back over to Carl without disturbing anyone.

I slid his arm back around me and cuddled up to his chest like before. Nobody really minded, as long as we were fully clothed. Idiots.

I drifted off to sleep quickly .


Carl kept saying my name, telling me to get up.

"Five more minutes mom," I groaned , rolling over . Sunny and Judith jumped into my back right the, making me sit up in a rush.

"You two are bad little girls. And do you know what bad little girls get?" I paused for dramatic effect. Both girls looked scared . "THEY GET TICKLED!" I yelled playfully , tickling them both. Carl laughed and joined in as the squealing girls tired to get away. Sunny helped Judith up and they both ran behind Dad and Abraham.

"Chickens," I teased . Sunny stuck her tongue out at me and Judith giggled . Dad and Abraham just shook their heads, chuckling softly .

"Okay, so why was I woken up?" I asked Carl poking his side.

"Because some kids want to hang out with me , and they said I could bring you if I wanted. And I want to. So let's go," He grinned and grabbed my hand gently , leading me towards the door.

"See ya guys later," I waved . The majority of the group was still in there , mumbling their goodbyes with waves and smiles .

When the door shut behind us, I intertwined Carl's fingers  with mine .

"I love you Summer," He smiled .

"I love you too, Car," I smiled back.

He pushed our lips together suddenly . We kissed for a few seconds then pulled away when someone cleared their throat. It was a guy about Carl's age . He introduced himself and led us to a building. I was too busy not trusting him to listen to a word he said .


It turns out his friends aren't THAT bad,but as Carl and I got back to the house we were staying at later , we were thinking the same thing: These people are weak.

We had a sort of house party that night . Just our group, though. I liked us all hanging out . Beth, Tara, and Maggie all bonded over stories about their past as the guys all talked and laughed about the dumbest of things . I played with Judith and Sunny ,dancing and  tickling and running around .

But I knew one thing for sure . Tomorrow, this carefree behavior  would be tossed away. We weren't going to be weak.


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