Chapter 42

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That night, we set up camp in the clearing. Of course , that was before we disposed of the bodies . A couple miles down the road, we burned the Wolves bodies, and we buried Tyreese's at the clearing .

Tyreese's funeral was short and bitter . Each of us took turns throwing a handful of dirt on his body , even Judith.

Sasha has been a wreck since.


I lay in the soft grass, inhaling the fresh night air . It was chilly , but not freezing . Looking up the stars, I sighed . It was a beautiful night , but None of us would get to enjoy it. Maybe if I hadn't left the group , maybe Tyreese would still alive . But , maybe if I had stayed, the Wolves would have killed more people .

I threw my arm over my face , refusing to look around me . I already knew that Harley lay by my left side , and Carl and Judith lay at my right . I had no idea who was taking watch , but I assumed it was either Dad, Rick, or Sasha. I'd be turned down the opportunity to take watch myself : Nobody wanted me to. I could see why. I'd almost gotten us all killed just the night before .

Exhaustion tugged at me like a blanket , and I hoped that I wasn't gonna dream at all. Dreams suck. For once , I didn't want to see mom, or Sophia, or Lizzie or Mika or Amy. I just wanted to sleep.

Yet, still, I saw them anyway.

"Summer!" Mika laughs , waving me over .

I look around . Everything is white , and we look like we are in the clouds . Sophia and Lizzie chase each other , clearly playing tag.

"Guys!" I feel myself yell to them , and then I break into a sprint, pulling them into my arms.

They hug back , all of us giggling . I feel more ghost like arms engulf us, and I see Andrea, Amy, Carol, and Mom hugging us. We all laugh, and then I wake up.

Coughing, I open my eyes . Light is just barely touching the sky , making it a pretty shade of pink . Smiling, I stare up at the sky .

Dad clears his throat, and I see him staring at me . He sits on a vehicle .

"What you did was stupid," He mumbled just loud enough for me to hear it. I shook my head at him.

"We would have ALL died if I hadn't left. I had to stop them first," I explained , not breaking eye contact with him. I had a valid reason.

He said nothing , just stared at me before getting up. He walked over to the side of the truck and started peeing . Groaning, I stare up at the sky again .

I sat there , looking at the sky and day dreaming for about an hour. By the time I snapped out of my thoughts , everyone in our group was awake . Sighing , I stood up and walked over to where Carl was feeding Judith.

"Need any help? I promise I won't get us killed," I spoke up, standing right beside him. I stared at Judith, and she seemed to smile at me .

Carl looked up. "You didn't get anyone killed. And I'm glad you are back," He grinned .

Once I sighed, he added," Everyone else is glad too, even if they don't seem like it ."

I leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek before holding my arms out for Judith. He handed her to me and gave my the bottle . I fed her quietly , humming to her softly.

"So, once everyone is ready we are heading out . I'm not sure where we are going , but we are going somewhere," Carl informed me , glancing up at the sky every so often.

"Okay," Was all I said in response , and I went back to humming aimlessly to Judith. She drank greedily .

"Guys!" A voice called to us. I didn't look up from Judith, but I recognized it as Michonne's.

"What?" Carl called back to her, and I realized him and I had been ignoring everything around us.

" Let's go!" She called, and I looked up. People were piling into vehicles . I looked at Carl, and he followed me to Dad's car. Beth and Dad were already inside , and Harley was just climbing in.

"Dad, I'm riding with them!" Carl yelled to Rick. I sat in the middle beside Harley. Something else was yelled but I didn't hear what.

"We have her!" Carl called out again. He climbed in beside me and closed the door .

Well, off to a new place. Again.

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