Chapter 21

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Summer's P.O.V.

For the fifth time today, I sent a knife through walkers rotten skull. It fell to the ground with a thump.

"That's all," I sighed in exhaustion . I had just finished clearing walkers from the house we were to be staying in. It wasn't until morning that we'd found one. What a waste, considering that we all slept in a tree. Though, it's not like we have anywhere we need to go .

I was the only one killing because Beth couldn't walk so she rode in Dad's arms and held Judith. Not that I minded though, because I hope they end up together .

Okay , so the "house " is actually a funeral home . Beth hurt her foot on a bear trap in the woods.

Images of Amy's dead body flashed in my mind . Then Mika's , then images from Lizzie's death flickered . And then Sophia's death. Day by day , their voices faded from my mind, leaving my memories of them cold and distant. But the thing is , I don't want to forget her, or them.

I can't .


Daryl's P.O.V.

I watched Summer kill the walkers. I felt helpless. She was my daughter . I should have been killing them, not her . But Beth... she was hurt. I had to take care of her, right? I didn't really have a choice. It was my job .

Lil' ass Kicker giggled in Beth's arms.

"Daryl... Please let me down now," Beth sweet , soft voice smiled at me , and I immediately walked over to a coffin and set her in .

"Uh...." She looked at the coffin, looking a little upset .

"Sorry... It's all there is."

She sighed and hopped down on one leg and limped over to the piano that was also in the room. She sat on the bench and touched her fingers to the keys absentmindedly . She began singing a beautiful toon.

"And we'll be good," Her voice was angelic as she sang .

Little footsteps sounded behind me. I spun around to see Summer now holding Judith. Both smiled at me and Summer carried the baby over to Beth and sat down next to her, watching her play . My girls. All of them .

Summer's P.O.V.

While I listened to Beth sing , my eyes watched her fingers in the keys. She seemed ..... content. My mind focused hard on the lyrics she was speaking from her mouth .

"You don't wanna be my boyfriend , and that's probably for the best ...."

( A/N: Sorry if I didn't get that right!)

How Dad was carrying her... how she giggled as he did so... This song was about him . Sure, their age difference was big, but I secretly hoped they'd end up together. I had wanted dad to be with Amy, but she just wasn't into him and he wasn't into her.

Beth ended her song as Dad crawled into the coffin. He put on of his arm's behind he head and the other one scratched his beard.

"I thought my singin' annoyed you," Beth blushed at Dad.

"Well there ain't no jukebox so.." He trailed off , a slight smirk on his face. I felt like telling , "JUST MAKEOUT ALREADY," But I refrained from doing so. That would make things awkward for all three of us and maybe even Judith.

I yawned loudly and Beth smiled over at me. "Get some rest. I'll sing a lullaby ," She kissed my forehead and patted Judith.

"Goodnight Beth. " I grinned at her and got up, Judith in my arms . Smirking, I crawled into the coffin and curled up to Dad. He grunted. Judith lay flat on his chest . She lay on her stomach and stared up at him. Both of us laughed and Beth began giggling too. Soon,Judith began giggling uncontrollably .

It was a good feeling, all of us laughing together . It was a nice , genuine feeling.


In the morning , I opened my eyes and found that I was still curled up to Dad. Judith was gone. I suspected that Beth must have took her, so I got up and hopped out of the coffin. Dad stirred, but didn't wake up.

"Beth? Beth?" I said softly , making my way through the building . Beth was in one of the rooms upstairs , feeding Judith with some formula from her bag.

"Sorry. I didn't wanna wake anyone ," She looked at me, smiling softly. 

Dad walked into the room then, running his eyes. "Hey sleepyhead , Beth giggled , cradling Judith in her arms.

Dad just grunted and sat down in the floor.

"Can we leave this place today? I hate it here . So much death. We already have enough of that." I stated with a groan. But, just as I said that, a bunch of walkers spilled into the room . "Beth, Summer, git!" Dad screamed and began killing walkers . Beth grabbed Judith and her bag and ran. I trailed behind a little . "No! We can't leave you !" I screamed at him, worry evident in my voice .

"Just go! I'll be fine, " He yelled, killing more walkers . Hesitantly , I ran after Beth, tears spilling from my eyes.

All the sadness from the previous days and the current situation made its way into my eyes .

Beth met me outside ,clutching Judith. We shared a sad look, both of us sobbing . Suddenly , a rumbling filled my ears. A car was coming down the road . "Beth, go to the bushes ," I whispered . She did as told and and I followed . We scrambled for the bushes and we were his pretty well in the daylight . The car stopped in front of us, and I knew the people in it were searching . Soon, the car drive off again . It was out of sight in no time .

Dad burst out of the home, not expecting us to be coming from the bushes .

"C'mon!" He yelled. We ran away from the stupid death trap, which ironically was exactly what it was .

Okay guys! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! It took me so long to write it , I'm sorry! I've been busy.

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