Chapter 39

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"Summer! Hey! Summer , help me!" A voice shouts into the darkness.

Things get lighter , and I can see fully .

Sophia . Barn full of walkers . She needs me .

They are closing in.

"I'm trying!" I yell unwillingly . I reach my hand towards hers, trying to pull her up the ladder .

A walker grabs her leg, pulling her out of my grip .

"SUMMER!" Her scream rips through me as the walkers rip through her .

Darkness again.

"Summer! Help me! Her her mind! Do something!" Mika shouts. I recognize her voice .

And then I see her .

Lizzie sits by Mika's bloody body, braiding her sister's hair . I lay helplessly on my side on my bed in the call, facing them .

"Summer, help me," Mika pleads .

"Help us." Lizzie corrects her , and they both stare at me . A bloody bullet hole in the middle of Lizzie's forehead appears.


"Summer, I need help!"


She appears in front of me, blood dripping from her head in a mass amount .

"Amy!" I yell at her, reaching for her .

Darkness .

I awoke , sweating furiously .

I sat up in my bed. What the hell? My dreams seem to be getting worse . Somehow.

I fixed my braid, then began packing up my things .

Yanking the few pictures I had off of the little desk, I shoved them in my backpack , along with my phone , and my knife . I clipped my gun to my belt , then I found a pen and paper laying on the ground . This HAD been for us kids to plan out things.

I wrote a note explaining my new plan, and then I zipped up my backpack.

My feet made no noise across the wooden floor . Quickly , I slipped on my combat boots and my leather jacket, which was similar to Dad's winged vest.

Dad. Harley. Carl. Beth. Judith.

Was I really going to leave behind everything I have ever loved and not yet lost ?

You have to. It's the only way.

Taking a deep breath, I popped open the window and jumped down into the grass.

It was dark out , but I could still see . There weren't many walkers out , so I avoided them at all costs .

Making my way away from the house , I walked quietly down the road . This has to be done. I can't go on and end up killing people in the group.

I can't risk that. I've killed enough people I love. Now, I have to kill people who have tried to kill the people I love .


I walked away until morning . When the sun rose , I sped up a little . Walkers would see me easier in the daylight . My boots didn't make a sound against the pavement as I ran.

People would be waking up . Dad, Rick, Tyreese, Glenn. They would find my note. They would find me missing .

Shaking my head, I kept running . My backpack shook against my back as I ran. It slowed me down a little , but I didn't care. I was far enough away.

Something , or someone , hit my against the side full force , and things went black.


Daryl's P.O.V

"Why is is so damn cold in here?" I grumbled , taking my seat at the table beside Rick and Glenn.

"One of the kids probably left it open last night . Probably got too hot," Tyreese shrugged , sharpening his knife .

I rubbed my eyes , feeling a headache coming on. A breeze picked up in the room , making it colder.

As if my headache wasn't bad enough, Carl ram into the room running his mouth about something .

"Dad! Summer's gone!" Carl's words made me freeze, then look up at him. He help up a piece of paper with words on it.

I got up and snatched it out of his hands.

To whoever gets this first,
      I'm leaving the group . I'm sorry , but I have to . My nightmares are getting worse . It's my fault a lot of people I care about are dead. The guilt is eating me , so I'm leaving . I figure that I need somewhere to go. I'm going to track down the Wolves, and I'm going to kill them all. After that, I have no idea where I'm going . Be safe, I love you all.

             - S.D.

Slamming the note down on the table , I put my head in my hands . My daughter is gone . Again.

Chances are , she's going to die .

There was silence for a moment , and it was bitter . Rick finally spoke up .

"Get your stuff, and wake everyone up. We gotta find her." He demanded , standing up .

We have to find her .

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