Chapter 36

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I watched helplessly as Tyreese lifted my dad's non-moving body from the hood of the car. Ty carried him back to another vehicle , leaving me standing alone with messy tears of pure stress and frustration running down my face .

"Summer! Come here!" Michonne's stern voice called out to me.

With each step I took towards her, my body ached . I had just been in a car wreck, but my mind was focusing on other things  right now . Like my dad. If he died, then I'd be lost. Sure, I have Harley and Carl, but I'd just feel so far away from them. Dad is the only person truly keeping me going . 

When I reached Michonne, she pointed to the ground beside Harley.

"Sit, and drink some water ," She demanded.

I flopped down beside Harley, huffing a little.

Carl leaned forward and sat on my other side, handing me a water bottle.

Yet, even as I took the bottle from him, I let my gaze focus on  Tara and Beth, who were now sitting up beside each other , chugging water and eating some granola bars. While I was dealing with Dad, they must have been patched up a little .

Which means I must have been a little dazed , because  I wasn't over there for that long , was I?

That's it, I'm losing my mind .

Everything seems to feel strange . I think I saw Rosita glaring at me , and as Tyreese took Dad to another car, she grinned .

Yep, I'm losing it . Why would Rosita glare at me? She said she didn't mind about me killing Abraham: since it had to be done . And why did she grin? Exactly , she would have no reason to. So that's why the wreck must have made my brain malfunction. Was any of this even real?


Sooo, this was a short chapter , but it was a filler chapter. I'm going through some stuff right now , so that is another reason it is short . Sorry , guys! ILY!

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