Chapter 10

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Summer's P.O.V.

The early dawn woke me, and I gazed out of the window . Daddy stirred next to me , then sat up . "Momma used to say I was pretty , like the morning sky. But I turned it around and said that SHE was the pretty one" My voice was quiet , yet shaky .

"Yer' mother was very beautiful . And you are a spittin' image of er'" He replied , looking up at the sky as well. "I wish everyone'd stop lyin'" the words came out a mumble as I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom quietly .

After brushing my hair, teeth , and re-doing my braid, I walked out and saw Dale,Amy,Lizzie,Mika,and Carl were awake and having a conversation . "hey guys "

"Summer! " Amy hugged me , Mika , Carl and Lizzie following . "Well good mornin'" A chuckle escaped my lips ."Watch it boy" Dad warned Carl. The frightened boy stepped back . My eyes sent a glare towards my father . "when do we leave ?" I beamed . "Im a about five minutes " Amy answered , a frown on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Summer , you do realize she's probably dead right?" Amy teared up and burst out of the RV sobbing really hard.

The realization of not finding Sophia hit me, and I fell I the floor. No, I wasn't unconscious , I just sat there crying and shaking on the floor helplessly .

Tiny, gentle arms lifted me up and I knew it was Lizzie and Mika . "Summer, don't give up." Lizzie assured me . "yeah, we'll find her!" Mika added . "You heard what Amy said ! She's probably dead!" I cried turning away.

"Summer, you can't lose hope . Hope is all you have in this world " Dale cut in.

Two footsteps sounded and Shane was at the door. "Time to go "He reminded us. "Ok" Dad said and left the RV, sending a sympathetic glance my way. He want soft near other people, but he was to me .

Wiping my eyes, I grabbed my backpack and the girls and Carl grabbed their backpacks . My axe was harder than usual , and I looked to see it had my initials carved in the handle. "Dale, did you do this to my axe?"

"It was your father " The man chuckled to himself . "Oh ok"

And so the group ( that was going,)set off and called for Sophia.

Carl kissed my cheek quickly and set off with Rick and Shane.

Dad wasnt happy about having to go with the women , but he DID want to keep my safe . But I can look after my self.


A gun shot rang out a few hours ago, and that sent Lori into a panic. "It's probably just them killing a walker " Amy assured Lori. "You know they wouldn't waste a bullet like that!" Lori reasoned.

Now, we were in the woods, coming upon a clearing . A pounding noise echoed from behind us and we all spun around . A pretty woman on a horse stopped near us. "Lori? Lori Grimes?" the stranger asked, looking around . "Thats me." Lori said ,getting kinda worried .

"You need to come with me. It's urgent . Carls been shot .Rick needs ya"

Carl.... that explains the gunshot . Lori shrugged off her backpack and hopped on the horse. They rode off, and began to run after them. Dad grabbed my waist and I reached for the horse .

A depressed cry ripped through my throat, and I began vying again. "Carl" I sobbed. "Carl!!" This time it came out a yell. Dad wrapped his arms around my and i sobbed helplessly for the second time today . Lizzie and Mika patted me. Slipping my hand into my backpack swiftly , I grabbed my handgun and pulled way from my father .

"I could have went after them! Carl needs me,Lizzie,and Mika! We are his friends! But you stopped me ! You stopped me!" I screamed as I held my loaded gun at dads head.

The man before me didn't say anything . He knew I would shoot him. Unlike my mom, my temper was quick to come out .

Finally, I put my gun back in my bag and kept walking .Lizzie and Mika followed intently. "Help me!" A scream came from the clearing . "Sophia?!" My voice was very loud as I ran towards the clearing .

As I came from the trees, I saw a young girl being held y some men. They were quite obviously from a motorcycle gang.

But the girl was Sophia.

"Summer!!Lizzie Mik-" The one man covered Sophs mouth . With a glare, I grabbed a gun and shot on of the men in the head. He fell the the ground with a thud. "Noo!" the leader,I'm guessing, yelled . Lizzie and Mika ran ahead and began shooting .

Axe in hand, my feet carried me to Sophia and I gracefully cut the man holding her in the hand. "Ow fuck! "He held his bleeding hand . I didn't chop it off, but it would be ideal to.

"Summer"Sophia hugged me. The angry men ran away and into the woods on the other side of the clearing . Soon they were out of sight . Next, Sophia hugged Lizzie,Mika,them Amy. Dad saw me and motioned for me to come over . "You shot that man"

"I'm not afraid to kill , Dad. Not even humans" My eyes met his and he was mad but proud . "I did want I had to do"

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