Chapter 20

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After Lizzie and Mika's death things got better and they got worse . A herd or walkers got in, we killed them and didn't lose anyone . There was a sickness going through the prison and we lost Hershel .

That was months ago. Now, instead of winter , it's mid spring and things are good .

As I stood in the prison yard , I watched. I watched the walkers at the fences. Not too many. I watched the few birds in the sky as they flew in circles . I watched a vehicle pull up .

"Rick!" I yelled, running back inside of the Cell Block C.

"Summer? What's wrong ?" Rick asked , a worried expression on his face.

"There's a vehicle outside ." My lips began to tremble in fear. What if they were friends with the man I killed?

I ran over to Amy and hugged her waist tightly. She hugged back and we began to file out after Rick.

Dad began to hand out guns to each group member, except me. He handed me his crossbow as he took a gun.

"Summer... If we don't make it out, just know that I love ye'." With that, he kissed my head and went over by Carl. Carl looked at my sadly and his eyes said " Fight." I gave him one last look spinning around . The rest of the group had guns and were in a special spot, prepared . Amy took my hand and we jogged down to Rick, who was by the fence .

There were more cars and people than before. I didn't spot a single person that I knew or had ever seen.

"You killed Brian." A man said . Who?

"He was trying to kill her, " Rick nodded at me , " So we had to take him down ."

"Bullshit . And you know what? She killed him. So maybe I should kill someone she cares about," The man glared at me and Rick, then raised his gun . I held up the crossbow, but it was too late . His gun went off, and a body fell down . I looked over at Rick, but he was staring , shocked, past me. I heard screams and cries from the rest of the group , and I took a deep breath.

Slowly , still holding the loaded crossbow, I looked at what Rick was staring at. On the ground , a bullet hole in her head, was Amy. My ruses widened , and I dropped the crossbow.
She was .....dead. I had lost another person that I loved .

"AMY! NO!" I scream-sobbed. I fell to my knees next to her dead body and joined our hands .

"NO NO NO NO NO," I cried , shaking my head . The man laughed . "Now you know what it feels like ."

I tilted my head , looking at him. A glare formed on my sobbing face, and I collected the crossbow and stood up. Then, in a single move, I aimed it right between his eyes and pulled the trigger. Successfully, the arrow went through his skull and he fell backwards .

"That's it. Kill them all," Another man ordered. Then, shit went down .

Rick shot at them and grabbed my hand . We ran up to the others and began shooting . Not me though, I sat there sobbing .

They plowed down our fences, and tried to kill us.

"Summer! Go! Run! Get out of here!" Rick yelled at me . Hesitantly ,I took off running . I ran back to the cell block. I heard a loud crying . Judith. I scooped her up and her diaper back and ran.

When I got outside, there was even more chaos . Dad threw up a bomb up the barrel of the tank and it blew up .

"Dad! C'mon!" I screamed at him. He nodded and headed for the woods. I threw him his crossbow. "Wait!" I spun around and saw Beth running up to me . She gave me my bag and we took off running . Judith cried louder and louder and I didn't know what to do .

We were out of there in an instant .

"What about the rest of the group ?" I asked ,clearly worried .

"They're strong enough . They'll make it ." Dad assured me , and we kept running.

When we were far enough away, Beth took Judith and we began walking. "We need to find somewhere to stay the night," Beth suggested .

I felt like crying . Amy was gone . I failed to protect her just like I failed to protect Sophia. And Mika.And Lizzie. And Carl. And the group. It was all my fault that we lost our home . I shouldn't have killed him. Then things wouldn't be the same .

Tears fell from my eyes and I just began sobbing . Beth stared at me in pity and sadness . Dad gave me a look like " You okay?" .

No dad. No I'm not.

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