Chapter 1

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Daryl's P.O.V.

She's...alive..... I can't believe it.My baby girl is alive... Summer Dixon felt like a stranger to me.I'm gonna protect her with everything in me.

Summer's P.O.V.

"Summer, would you like anything to eat?" A small girl's voice echoed in my ears. I spun around to see my best friend, Sophia , holding a place of food. "Sophia!!" I grinned. "Summer!!" She grinned back. We hugged for a brief moment , and I followed her to eat. "I missed you so much" She said kindly . "I missed you too. Im so glad you are alive" My voice was happy, for once in awhile.

"You two know each other?" Carol asked. "Yea. We used to go to school together and we were inseparable . But then the outbreak came and we were forced to go our own ways" Sophia and I high fived . I set my axe down , leaning it against the log next to me. A gruff looking man stumbled out of a tent. Thus was Ed, Sophia's abusive dad. "Where did she come from?" He asked, looking at me. I was done with my food, so I set the empty plate down and gripped the handle of my axe . "Thas' my daughter, Summer" Daddy glared at Ed.

"Hah! Whatever, Dixon. She's probably white trash, just like you" Ed chuckled . Hell no. I grabbed my axe and ran up to him. "GRAB DARYL!!" Rick yelled. I swung my axe, but someone was holding me back. "The fuck ye' say, bastard !" Dad screamed . I clamped my mouth shut but I was fighting .

My axe was removed from my hands, and dad's crossbow was removed from him , as well. "Let me go!" My father yelled. Rick and Shane were holding him back. While everyone's attention was on Daddy, I sprang at Ed. My small body landed on his back with so much force it knocked him to the ground . I slapped  his face , and you could hear it. "Ow" He grumbled , and raised his sweaty palm. It hit me in the jaw, and knocks me backwards. "DARYL!!" A few people yelled. By this time, I was holding my jaw, a bit of blood sprinkling out of it. Daddy began punching and punching Ed. After a few blows, Ed's face was bleeding. Once again , Daddy was pulled away. Shane leaned over Ed's beaten body, and whispered things to him. Carol , Carl, and Sophia were crying .

"Summer, you ok?" Daddy ran over to me. I was sitting on my knees on the ground . He kneeled beside me, touching my jaw. "Ouch" I complained , pulling his fingers away. "Sorry. " he grunted , lifting me off the ground . Daddy held my bridal style and he carried me over to Lori,Andrea, and Carol. Carol was done crying, by now. Sophia and Carl, too. "Let me see "she asked. "Carol, don't hurt her" Dad sighed , but he didn't leave ." Ok. No swelling . Just a little cut on your lower lip. And he knocked a tooth loose. " She whispered the last part , and pulled a small tooth out of my mouth and placed it in a small plastic bag. She wiped a wet paper cloth over my lip and inside of my mouth . "There. All done ."Carol smiled at me and patted my back. I hugged her. "Thank you " Dad and I said in unison . He grunted again, and I rolled my eyes .
That night I shared a tent with my father. "Daddy?" I asked before be nowhere fell asleep . "yea?" He asked gruffly . "Do you miss mommy ?" I asked, yawning . "no. She cheated on me "

"Yes, but for a reason" I sighed.


"OH. You don't know"

"No I don't "

"Ok, well Uncle Merle told her that you were gonna leave her, so she wanted to hurt you before you her. So she cheated on you. She never liked Jeremy. He was mean to me and didn't care about her. When she died, I know she still loved you . The last few days before she died, she talked about you. And how she still loved you," I explained .

"Shit. Merle is gon' die and I do...miss Lana. " he sighed and pulled me closer. "Ed first. Uncle Merle later " Yet, again, I yawned . "Sounds like a plan " Daddy chuckled softly , and I drifted off to sleep.

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