Chapter 5

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Summer's P.O.V.

"Hey Carl,"

"Hey Summer,"

He had been on top of the RV with Dale. I climbed up and sat, axe in my hands. "They're coming back right?" I asked nervously , biting my lip. "Should be. " Dale nodded looking into his binoculars .

"How's Sophia?" Carl asked.

"She's getting better, i guess. But she wants to be alone, that's why she slept in her own tent and is sitting down by the water. " I shrugged . "Carl!! Summer!! Dale!!!" Amy bounded up the ladder and sat next to me. "Yea Amy?" Dale smiled at her. He was so kind. "Well, Shane said he saw a vehicle up te road aways. It could be them!" She said happily .

Oh, yea. Amy was taking her mind off Andrea and she was being all happy. I didn't know why.

A motor sound plugged into my ears. My eyes darted to the path and there was indeed a car coming down the road . It stopped and everyone was gathered nearby it, waiting .

I gripped my axe, but I relaxed when I saw Rick and Glenn step out . Dad got out after them and he noticed all the sad faces. "What happened while we were gone?" Rick asked. "A large group of walkers got into camp and Carol got bit trying to save Summer. Andrea got bit trying to save Carol." Shane ran a hand through his hair. Rick rubbed his eyes . Glenn climbed up on the RV as Amy got down to go stand by Sophia. Dad was still looking for me, so I got down and ran over, axe in hand. Nodding at Rick, I scooted past him . Dad saw me and set his crossbow down slowly . I dropped my axe and ran to him.

His open arms caught me and he spun me around . "Thought I lost ya'" He whispered . "I'm not going anywhere. I'm a Dixon" I smirked . He smiled as well and let me go. Picking up my axe, I jogged over to Sophia and put an arm around her.

"They came back," She was sobbing and I looked over to see her crying into her hands. "Soph. It's ok. Shh," Everyone looked at us as I comforted her . "Its gonna ok."


Later at the usual dinner fire, I sat by Dad, watching as the men told stories on how Glenn got kidnapped, and stuff like that. As I scooted closer to my father, we both stopped listening to what I heard people were saying . So we decided to have our own conversation.

"What EXACTLY happened to Carol and Andrea?" He asked.

"Well, Sophia, Carl, and I were laying in the field next to camp. Then Dale saw the walkers and I forced them to go back to camp . Then I was killing walkers and Carol ran out in front of me and began pushing walkers away: she didn't have a weapon . Then she got bit and Andrea came out to help. She got bit too. I tried to protect them, Dad. I really did. But, it was too much for me to handle. Maybe if i'd had a gun." My voice cracked and Dad put his arm around me. "There ain't no way that was yer' fault. Yer' only twelve . Ya' may be tough, but ya' are too young to help protect them. You won't be blamed, I'll make sure of it. But why didn' ya' go back to camp with Carl and Sophia?"

"Because I didn't want to put anybody in danger. But see how well that worked out," Dad finished his meal. Mine was already done. Now everybody was listening to us, and I pretended not to notice.

"Carol, I appreciate that she tried to help me. She was a great women . And Andrea, I didn't know her that well. But she was kind to try to help Carol," I looked down at the ground.

After that, I helped clean up. "I'll hel-" Amy cut me off . "No. You need rest. So does Sophia," I looked over and saw Sophia trying to help as well. "Ok. Sophia, lets go. You can come sleep in the RV with me and Dale" Amy smiled . Sophia took Amy's outstretched hand and they went to the RV. "See you tommorow , Summer" They nodded at me. "See you tommorow ," I beamed at them and finished my job. Carl kissed my forehead quickly and said, "See ya in the morning,"

"See you in the morning" I smiled at him.

He was young and innocent. Hard to believe he said that kinda thing .

Everyone went to their tents , except for Rick and Glenn and Dad. My father kissed my forehead before I went into the tent. I took off my boots inside the tent, and quickly fell asleep. That night I dreamt about Mom.


Happy Fourth of July. Sorry this chapter is kinda weird and boring .

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