Chapter 30

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The next morning, as I predicted , nobody talked about the little party. Rick and Michonne went to those jobs, Tara,Rosita,Abraham, Eugene, Sasha,Tyreese, and Glenn went to Deanna to see what their jobs were. Beth and Maggie stayed at the house with Dad,cleaning and such.

Carl and I lingered in the house for a bit.

"Hey, wanna hang out with those guys again? It's better than sitting around," Carl suggested .

I scooped up Judith and Sunny. "Yeah but I'm bringing them. Rick suggested taking them out of the house today," I smiled at him .

"Okay fine. Let's go," He took Judith in his arms and we exited the house .

We walked a few blocks before reaching a house . Carl took my hand and led me to the door. He knocked , and one of the guys answered, inviting us in.

As we walked up the stairs , I looked around . This house reminded me of the one me and mom had. It was small and comfy , and set up almost the same way.

I miss my mother. She was my rock for the longest time . She had to die too young. If she was with us now, her and Dad would be inseparable.

I loved Beth, but she could never truly take my mothers place . Nobody could .

Carl noticed my expression . "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just reminds me of my old house," I half-smiled.

Shrugging , Carl and I just kept walking .

The guys were all in the room, which made me feel weird . But Sunny and Judith just sat on the floor, playing some hand game with each other .

I sighed , sitting cross-legged on the floor next to them.

One of the guys was showing Carl some baseball cards from before the world went to shit, and the other guy just smiled at me, watching everything I did.

I shifted uncomfortably , then excused myself to get some fresh air. Sunny tagged along, while Judith stayed behind to bug Carl.

Sunny skipped along beside me, smiling at something .

"What are you smiling about?" I asked her, patting her head.

"I love it here! It's so nice !" She beamed at all the trees and flowers.

"I guess it is . But it'd be better if the sky was bluer ," I decided to fuel her happiness .  Just because I was sad didn't mean she had to be.

Sunny nodded in agreement. " Yeah, that would really help!"

We chatted a little more, until finally I turned back. "We should get back. Carl might be ready to leave ," I shrugged , leading her back to where we emerged from.

We were close to the house , and I saw Carl and the guys, plus Judith, out front .

"What are you guys doing out here?" I asked hesitantly, my smile disappearing .

"We heard a loud sound , it came from over there," The kid who had been staring at me pointed to the right side of the house.

Suddenly ,  screams everywhere broke the silence and suspense.

Carl picked up Judith and ran over to me and Sunny.

Both of Carl's friends  peeked over to the commotion .

"There's a ton of them!"
The one kid said, making a run for it . The other guy sent us a worried look before following .

That's when the moans and smell of rotting flesh hit me.

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