Chapter 9

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Summer's P.O.V.

"Sophia!! " I yelled . "Sophia!!!!"

It had been a day, and she still wasn't found. "Summer, we gotta go back to camp . The others are probably worried about us " Mika sighed. "Fine. But after we get back, we gotta continue looking for Sophia" My axe fell out of my hands, and I quickly snatched it into my palms. "Lets go" The sound of my voice was cracked and sad. But I knew , for everyone's sake, I had to go back to the group .

Carl patted my shoulder as Lizzie and Mika skipped ahead . We were kinda far from the highway , though . "We'll find her" Carl assured me. "I know. But we might not find her alive "

All the boy beside me did was look at the ground and move a few feet ahead of me .


Daryl's P.O.V.

I just kept pacing and waiting for Summer to come into view with Sophia and the rest of them but she never did.

It's been a day and still no sign. Amy stood by me on watch while everyone else just went to sleep . "Daryl, they'll be back. I promise " She was in grief cause se thought of those children , even Summer, as her own. "How do ye' know ? They could be dead!" I scooted away from her.

"Ok listen, Daryl. Just calm down ok! I know you are broken, but so am I !! Okay? So just listen to me when I say they'll come back! They are tough , especially Summer. Just because you don't have hope, doesn't mean i don't " She gritted her teeth and went into the RV. All I did was run a hand through my hair and climb on top of the RV to see my surroundings better.


In the mornin, Rick, Dale, and Shane got up and worked on moving us out . "We ain't leavin without those kids " I glared at Rick . "Fine. But you gotta remember , we don't have all if our lives to stay here. Its not safe " The 'sheriff ' reasoned and went over to stand by Lori. Amy was comforting her , sending an angry glance my way every so often . Whatever .

"Rick? Amy, Lori!!" A girl voice shouted happily . Another girl giggling sounded and Lizzie and Mika emerged from the woods. They hopped over the guard rail and sprang into Amy's arms.

Carl ran out if the woods as well, right up to Rick and Lori . Waiting a few minutes , I lost hope. For good. I kicked the ground and put my face in my hands.

"Sorry I got caught up killing walkers . "

Suddenly , my heart stopped . I looked up , and a smirk spread across my face . A slightly bloody Summer was standing by Amy. "Summer"


We hugged for a brief moment and I kissed her forehead . "We didn't find Sophia . I'm sorry . We tired but shes gone . We aren't gonna find her " My daughter frowned . "Don't give up, Sum." She intertwined my fingers . "Rick? Can we all take turns looking for Sophia. Like spilt up. maybe have one or two people stay with the cars?"Lizzie asked nicely .

Summer's P.O.V.

"We'll go tomorrow. For now, rest up,eat, and make sure your weapons are ready . We leave at first light " Rick announced and put his arm around Lori and Carl. I left dad and quickly hugged Amy and Lori.

After eating , I found Dad and sat by him in the ground. He was by the RV making new arrows. "Hey " I grinned.

"Hi" He grunted . "Rick said we should pick groups to be with tomorrow . Looks like Carl, Shane, and him will be together. You will be with the women and me. Tdog and Dale will stay with the vehicles "

"Thought you said we got to pick?" My dad finished the arrows and put them away.

"That's what I thought . But I guess not" My throat let out a yawn and I scooted over towards Dad.

"Thought I lost ye'" He whispered .

" 'M not goin' anywhere. " And that's when I finally realized that my dad wasnt gonna let me leave his sight for a LONG time . He cared more than I thought he did.

"Go get down rest in the RV with the others. I'm goin' on watch" He sighed and kissed my forehead . "Amy said you were on watch LAST night . You need rest too. C'mon " I pulled him up and kissed his cheek. Grunting , he followed me and we fell asleep in the RV.

I'm coming Sophia.

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