Chapter 33

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"We were just getting ready to come and find you guys !" Rosita called out to us from the road. We emerged from the woods , and I branched away from Beth and Maggie. Tara was holding Judith , and Sasha was standing beside her. Then I remembered that Tara used to  have a little niece .

Shivering at the thought of more death, I shook my head and glanced over at Carl. I locked my eyes on him . He wasn't looking at me , but I had a slight feeling he had been .

Dad and Carl were mad at me for leaving , and almost getting myself killed .
I could hear Dad telling Beth that from a distance. It was my fault they were mad at me.

I sat on the grass beside the road, just listening to everyone talk. My heart still hurt from Sunny's death, and the walker in the woods made me miss my dead friends more .

And my dead mother , who I probably could have saved if I knew what to do.

In frustration, I took out my knife and threw it on the ground . Violent sobs broke through me, and I knew I was having some sort of anxiety attack. My heart raced real fast , and I gripped my head, begging the feeling to go away.
Nothing felt real, and I was a little bit dizzy. Everyone stared at me , unsure of what to do. I kicked at the ground , sobs still racking through me .

My breath started to become fast and uneven, and the feeling in the lit of my stomach intensified. Immediately , I was worried that I would die, and I would die unloved . I was also worried that if I ever got to see my dead family and friends again, they'd hate me for everything I did , and how I let them die. How I killed Lizzie, how I didn't save mom, how I failed Carol, how I doomed her and Andrea to death, how I forgot about Sophia, how I failed to protect Amy, how I couldn't even save Mika, and how I didn't save Sunny .

Kicking the ground more , I let tears fall down my face , sobbing unevenly more and more .

Every now and then , I stole glances at the sky, trying to see all those I had killed or let die . All those I had failed . I already failed the group , my boyfriend , my dad.

More sobs.

More angry screams.

More kicking at the ground .

More dizziness .

I pulled out my gun slowly .

"Summer?" Beth spoke up .

"S-Summer what are you doing ?" Carl yelled at me, though he wasn't far away.

Beth's P.O.V.

"Summer?" I said to the girl standing before us , clearly upset with her life .

She pulled out her gun slowly .

The dry blood on her body made her green eyes stand out , but her pale skin was stained with water, making her seem frail.

Daryl tensed beside me.

Summer kept pulling out her gun, slowly .

"S-Summer? What are you doing ?" Carl half-yelled to his girlfriend .

She aimed the pistol at her head, breaking unevenly , still crying .

"SUMMER! PLEASE!" I heard Tara call out . Daryl ran forward .


I heard a body fall.


"No." I whispered , falling to my knees.

Carl blinked , running forward . Tara,
Rick, Glenn, and Tyreese ran to Summer.

I out my head in my hands , sobbing . I didn't want to look. 

Maggie to chief my shoulder, and I heard her softly crying as well.

Sasha stayed back , Judith in her hands, but tears were beginning to stream down her face.

Everyone looked heart broken.

After quiet minutes , I heard Glenn call out , "SHES ALIVE! ITS GRAZED HER!"

I lifted my head , standing up .

Daryl held his unconscious daughter , and he was crying . A rare sight it was, seeing him holding her that way. She looked dead. But it was clear to see that the bullet had just barely touched her skull . There wasn't a lot of blood, but it was hard to tell with all the blood already on her.

Maggie held me back.

Summer's body hang limply from her fathers large arms. She must have passed it from the blast/pain, and also dehydration and exhaustion. Although , it could have also been because of the little melt down she had.


It's been about 3 hours since Summer's incident. Walkers haven't been a big problem, so we made camp in the middle of the road. The fire was bright enough to see each other's faces, but barely .

Daryl still held Summer, who hasn't awoken. Maggie and I helped  stitch up her wound, doing our best with what we had. The hole was deeper than I had though, but it didn't break through her skull at all and it didn't come close to her brain. Just a large layer of skin on her temple .

It became clear that there would  probably be a scar there when it healed , but Summer would still be beautiful .

And she'd still be broken.

There is a new cover! Yay!

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