Chapter 22

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Summer's P.O.V.

The muscles in my legs worked harder than ever before as I ran. Dad and Beth were close behind. Of course I was going faster, seeing as how Beth was on Dad's back again . I had no idea at all whatsoever where I was headed, but I just kept going . With my knife in my hand, my legs pumped faster and I suddenly wasn't afraid of the walkers. I was afraid of dehydration .

A scream sounded from our left, and I stopped running . Dad slowed down as well. More screams , gunshots , and I stared intently at the woods. Dad must have saw the look in my eye because he said "Summer."

Without looking at him, I took off. I just kept running until I came to a slightly clearing . On top of a huge rock, a black guy, a preacher presumably , sat, staring down at dead walkers . He didn't have any weapons on him, so I looked around as I heard Dad and Beth gasp behind me.

I looked to the left and saw.....our group . A few extra people were there too. One girl, I noticed from the group of people trying to kill us back at the prison.However, she never raised her gun. Hesitantly , I bounded up to Rick, sobbing in his arms. He held me and let me soak his blood stayed shirt with my tears .

When I pulled away, he smiled slightly down at me . I sniffed , and peeked around him. Maggie and Beth were hugging tightly , crying as well. Dad was just standing there awkwardly.

Carl stood there then, blocking my vision , and I slightly saw Beth take Judith . Stepping away from Rick, I pushed myself into Carl's arms. He pulled me... no PUSHED me closer to him. I sobbed again. When we finally stopped hugging , he planted a kiss on my forehead .

I heard a thump and spun around . The preacher man had jumped down from the rock.

"Hello, friends. I'm Father Gabriel. " He smiled at us, reaching out his hand. Nobody shook it, so he dropped it to his side awkwardly .

"Why didn't you kill them?" Rick growled at him.

Father Gabriel just stared at him. "That's a sin. I'm no sinner."

Lie. Everybody sins.

"Everybody sins," I spat , holding up my gun at him. Rick didn't look upset about me doing this at all. Neither did anyone else in the group.

"Hmm. It appears you are the biggest sinner in your group ," Gabriel said calmly, looking right at me. He knew I was willing to shoot him. He KNEW he was adding fire to the flames . He knew . Growling , I dropped my gun and pulled out my knife , lunging . Strong, thick arms grabbed me, and I saw one of the new people , Abraham, pulling me away.

"Stop ," I grunted , trying to push him off of me. Dad saw this and ran towards us, pulling Abraham off of me. The men had a quick stare down before I hugged Dad's torso tightly .

Rick was just playing with his holster. Father Gabriel ignored me and spoke out . "I have a church... not far from here actually."

Rick looked up then . "Takes us there," He demanded, looking back at us . Gabriel started walking away from the rock, and I watched as Rick began to follow. The rest of us ... well of course we followed Rick. We had no other choice .

Dad jogged up to talk to Rick, so I stayed behind and took Judith from Beth. She thanked me with a smile . Meanwhile, I met Tara,Eugene, and Rosita. They seemed nice enough.

As we got to the church, Gabriel sowed us around . Judith looked all around , confused as to what the place was . I sat down in one of the pews, propping my feet up on the ones in front of me . Beth and Carl dat next to me , one one each side. Beth sang softly to Judith, and I rested my head on Carl's shoulder, resisting the urge to fall asleep.

"What have you done?" I heard Rick ask Gabriel.

"What?" Gabriel replied, clearly confused .

"We've all done somethin'-" I stopped listening after that.

"We've all done somethin'" .

Yes, we have ALL done something .


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update! Also, this was just a filler chapter and I purposely did not get the quotes right . I only used like one or two I think, but still. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.


- Ally

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