Chapter 12

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Summer's P.O.V.

"Summer, Summer wake up!" A girly voice startled me put of my slumber,causing me to sit up and rub my eyes tiredly .


"C'mon its time for breakfast" I could practically hear her grin .

"Ugh, fine. Just let me fix my hair" Quickly , I stood up and bolted to the bathroom. I took out my brush and brushed out my thick , knotted bed head . As I rushed to put my braid back in, I decided to put it as a braid down my back, a few hairs peeking out in the front .

Then I bursted out of the bathroom, seeing Soph. "Let's go , I'm starving!" I giggled and ran down the steps . "Wait for me !" She laughed and ran after me.

When we arrived in the kitchen, I stopped to catch my breath. Sophia did the same, then it hit me. Something was wrong.

Everyone in the kitchen , ( Glenn,Maggie,Hershel,Rick,Shane, Dad,and Beth and Jimmy ) were looking at us. They all looked angry and upset about something . "What?" I popped a slice if butter bread into my mouth and handed one to Sophia .

We both sat down . They continued to stare.

"Why are you looking at us?" I blurted , frowning .

"Tell them,Glenn. You told everyone else!" Maggie glared at the Korean man them walked out angrily .

"There are walkers in the barn," Glenn said , not making any eye contact with Hershel or Beth or Jimmy. Patricia and Otis walked in, Shane following .

Sophia gasped and out her hand over her mouth . "Really?" I mouthed at Dad. He nodded , standing up. I pushed my plate away and Sophia stood up with me then followed Dad outside .

" I can't even eat right now " I grumbled when we got outside.

"Me neither," Soph agreed . Dad lead us over by the barn.

"Why are we here?" My voice was quiet .

" 'Cause it's the only private place to talk" Dad explained, adjusting his crossbow over his shoulder .

"We should leave ... it's not safe here anymore " Sophia said quietly ,staring the house.

" We go where Rick goes . Sorry" My father just looked at the barn.

I sighed . "Are we going to kill them?" I asked loudly, referring to the walkers.

"Yeah, we plan on it ," .

"Dad, can we go back to the house now? I wanna talk to Beth," I begged , giving my father puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Lets go" He mumbled and walked back . Soph grinned at me and we began running back to the house.

When we walked in the door, states were sent our way . I cleared my throat. Sophia's voice startled me , " What? The secrets out . I don't see why two little girls being happy is such an issue , She said .

I smirked and sat down to begin eating . Sophia followed, but not before taking a deep breath and smiling . But even I could tell it was a fake smile .


Sophia's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath and faked a smile. Mom would have loved to see me stick up for myself ( and Summer) but she wasn't here .

I sat down at my place at the table and finished my food . It was delicious , and I hadn't eaten in awhile .

When I was done , I stood up and headed outside . Unlike my old neighborhood , this place didn't have any birds chirping, no flowers, no cute boys ....nothing . This farm had become one of the thing I hated most in life.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself climbing the loft in the barn. The walkers couldn't get up , but they were below so I hoped I wouldn't fall .

Shakily , I looked below me . TONS of walkers were there, moaning and shuffling . They hadn't seen me yet, and surprisingly , hadn't smelt me yet. I looked behind me, and I saw Summer looking for me . "Ugh" I sighed a little bit too loudly . The walkers below looked up at me , reaching for me . However , my eyes spotted one walker , who wasn't a walker before . It was Shane.

Quickly, I jumped down from the loft and ran to Summer. "Sophia, why ere you in the barn?" she inquired .

"Summer, Shane... He's in the barn.." She interrupted me .

"Is he okay ?"

"Summer... he's a walker".

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