Chapter 8

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Summer's P.O.V.

Dad made a sign as to pull over , so I steered the fourwheeler over to the side of the road and shut it off. Carl and Sophia got their weapons ready, while I watched the rest of the vehicles pull over . Lizzie and Mika ran out to us and leaned against my vehicle . If I mention we were on an old abandoned highway?

Dad met Rick,Shane, Tdog, and Dale and they all began to discuss something . Eventually , Dale left the conversation and climbed up on the RV with his binoculars to keep watch.

Soon after, Rick told Lori something, and Lori came over. "We are supposed to be looking through cars I guess." then he added, "Stay within my sight Carl"and she began inspecting a nearby car.

Sighing , I grabbed my backpack and handed it to Amy, who was willing to take my stuff, Carl's , and Sophia's and put it in the RV. When she finished that, she came out and joined us. With one simple move, I spun around and grabbed my axe. "Lets go" Soph grinned and pulled me, Lizzie , and Mika to some cars. "Wow,Soph. You got a sudden burst of excitement !" I laughed. She laughed too , and watched as Lori, Amy, and Carl made their way over . "Summer, Lizzie ,Mika,Sophia, stay where I can see you " Amy demanded . We nodded and Carl came to my side . "Hey" He said.

"Hi" I let out a breath. "what?" "Nothin. 'M just tired" Then I yawned . "Oh. Well, we can load the fourwheeler into the back of Shane's jeep. Then we can all ride in the RV..." Carl suggested . "O-ok." I stuttered .

Moving from car to car, I hadn't found anything good to use . Carl disappeared then emerged within minutes . "Look what I found!" He grinned and shied some weapons to us. "Wow! Take those to Dale sweety" Lori said and Carl ran off. Sophia added, "hey! I found some full gas cans!" Lizzie and Mika found some clothes next.

Once everyone had taken everything they found to Dale, I searched for something interesting , since I hadn't found anything yet. Then I saw it. It was a snack food truck. Beaming , I ran over to it and pulled the latch to the door and slide it open. Inside, there were tons of snackfoods.

"Guys! Look!" I called quielty. Sophia,Amy,Dad,Carl,Lizzie,Mika,and Lori all walked over to me. The only thing was , where was Jaqui?

They are marveled over the snacks and helped carry them into vehicles . "Nice find , Sum"

"Thanks Dad"

After ALL of the snacks were loaded up, we all took a break and planned to get back on the road soon.

Suddenly, everything went crazy. I was with Carl, Lizzie,Mika, Lori, and Amy when we heard a gunshot . Rushing over , we saw Shane with a gun and a dead body at his feet. It was Jaqui. "Jaqui!" Amy and Lori yelled, and both began crying . Sophia hugged me while Lizzie and Mika ran away. "She had turned " Was all I heard as I pulled Carl and Sophia to where Lizzie and Mika were .

Soon, Amy and Lori joined us, AGAIN. But that's when I started to feel sick. Rick rushed to us and whispered , "Get under the cars and be silent " Then he ran back to where Shane was.

Obeying him, we all got under cars, Lori and Any under one, them the rest of us kids under the snackfood truck . Thats when the whole group heard the groans , and a bunch of walkers stumbled past us, searching for food.

Carl looked at me, and I looked back. He had a scared look on, mad I bet I did too . Everyone else did .

Walker after walker, they all went by eventually , and that made Sophia happy .

As a matter of fact, she peeked out from behind the truck to see if there were any more walkers . Huge mistake .

A walker reached for her under the vehicle. "Ahh!" She screamed and ran out into the woods. We followed when the walker started going after us.

Quickly , was ran after her, and made our way to a thin line of trees. "Up the trees! Go!" I whisper yelled and we all slid up the trees. The two walkers soon past us, and we all got out of the trees. "That was close " Mika panted while Lizzie nodded in agreement . "Yeah" Carl said and scooted closer to me. "What do you think Sophia?" I spun around . "Sophia? Soph? "

But she wasn't anywhere to been seen or heard.

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