Chapter 7

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Summer's P.O.V.

Eventually, we had to stop the vehicles at a gas station. I parked the fourwheeler next to the building and got off. I held my axe steady and Carl and Sophia joined me ."Sum!" Dad called from behind me. "Ugh. Give me a sec" I sighed mentally and physically.


" 'S goin' on with you 'nd Carl?" He asked angrily , holding his crossbow tightly . "Nothing! Geez, calm down" I felt my eyes roll. " Whas gotten into ye'" He grunted. " Nothin! I'm twelve , dad , kay? And its the apocalypse !I've been through much more than you all thought! I have the right to act the way I want to!" I yelled , but not loud enough to attract walkers, but it attracted the attention of the group .

All I did was walk away from my father, carrying my axe along with me. Rick came over with us to help clear out the building . "We got it" Sophia nodded at him. "Okay. Be careful, you three. Wait, you five" he corrected then walked off. Lizzie and Mika had joined us , knifes in hand, "Lets do this" Carl smirked. I knew dad was watching us, but he SHOULD be watching the people putting gas in their vehicles .

Automatically, I swung my foot to the doors and kicked them open. About six walkers poured out, but we took them down quickly and moved intuit eh building . There looked to e about three more through the shelves, but Lizzie beat us to them. Mika was quiet and lead her sister over to the food section, bags in hand. It was now that I realized that , Amy I assumed , had given them each bags. But they handed us some before they went off .

The remaining three of us made our ways through the drink and snack isles filling our bags with food. It was not until Sophia, Carl, and I's bags were full that a scream sounded through the store, along with a growl.

I was first to react. Quickly, I dropped my bag and got my axe ready to kill. My body raced thrift the isles and i soon found Mika being held by a HUGE walker that was trying to bet her. Lizzie was trying to pry it off of her but it didn't work.

"MIKA!"Soph yelled and ran to help her. Carl and I did the same and soon footsteps sounded into the building . The walker still wouldn't let go. It was this little group of five that was trying to help , and I'm sure we looked tough. But that didn't matter now. All that mattered was helping Mika. "Summer!!!!" Dad yelled . "Over here!" I screamed , and he came into view. He saw the situation and called or Rick,Glenn, Shane, and Jim. The four mean followed and grabbed agile of the walker.

They managed to pull it off of Mika, but then it grabbed ahold of Jim. Mika and Lizzie were hugging. Carl intertwined our fingers and Sophia patted Mika. More tears poured out of my eyes as I saw that Jim got but on the neck . "JIM!!" Sophia sobbed , running to get Jim. "No!! Soph! Stop" Was all I could manage. I let go of Carl's hand and pulled Sophia into a hug.

The men killed the walker and all was quiet . "Girls, Carl, go to the RV" Rick demeaned quietly . "No, we have to help Jim!" Sophia pulled away and ran towards Jim. I followed . "Sophia.... he can't be helped .I'm sorry. And i'll miss you Jim" I pulled Sophia away and we grabbed our bags of storage . He waved bye . Before leaving the store, we all said our goodbyes to Jim.

Quickly , I rushed everyone to the RV and ram back into the store.

Shane had a gun pointed to Jim's head, and inside the women and Dale were there, crying and hugging each other.

I was joined by Carl, Sophia, Lizzie, and Mika.

Sophia ran and hugged Amy, and Carl went to his Father's side, while Lizzie and Mika went up to the front . I went to dads side and he pulled me closer. Shane then pulls the trigger, and sobs broke out.

That's when all hell broke loose . A strong hand grabbed my arms and I looked down to the big walker . "Ahh!" I screamed and kicked it's head with my foot. That's when a whole bunch if walkers busted into the store. The remaining men, and Carl, went to go shoot then and kill them. I just kept kicking and kicking the walkers head until it had revealed its smashed brain.

Amy and Sophia helped pull me up and Jaqui hugged Amy.


Eventually, the walkers were all dead and we piled out to the vehicles . First I hugged Amy, then Jaqui,then, then Lizzie and Mika. Sophia did too and we got back on the fourwheeler. Mika and Lizzie decided to ride in the RV ,so it was just Sophia,Carl, and I.

The bags food were in the RV as well, so it was haut us three and our weapons on the vehicle .

It was decided that Dad lead the way, so we were behind him on the trip. Rest In Peace Jim. And Rest In Peace innocence of the group .

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