Chapter 3

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Summer's P.O.V.

The next morning , I woke up before Daddy. Silently, I brushed my hair and redid the braid . I walked out to the fire to see Carl poking at the fire ."Hey Carl," I smiled as I sat next to him on the log he was on. "Hey Summer," He grinned. "So, whatcha doin'?" My voice was quieter now. "Nothing . Just waiting for my dad to get up. But I don't want him to leave, " Carl looked sad.

"I know how you feel . I don't want my dad to leave either. Other than you and Sophia, he's all I got." A frown made its way onto my face. "Yea. I guess you DO know how i feel," He seemed happy, but confused at the same time . " You know Summer, you are REALLY pretty ," Carl smiled , looking me in the eye. "Thank you," I blushed , looking at the ground . Sophia and Carol came out of their tent just then. "You two are up early, " Carol laughed. Sophia ran towards us and sat next to me.

"Why are you blushing ?" She asked.

"Because Carl told me a story " I lied.

"Oh. I was hoping it was something interesting," She laughed.

Carl looked at me like,' that's totally not what I told you' but he faked a laugh anyway .

Tents unzipped and Rick , Lori, Shane, Jim, Andrea, Jaqui, Glenn, and Daddy all piled by the fire.

As they talked , I took mental notes.

1. Jim and Shane weren't going so we would be somewhat protected.

2.Glenn knew the city well so it wouldn't be hard to find what they needed.

3. They'd all be back in three days.

Carl scooted closer to me to make room for Lori. Which made me smashed up against him and Sophia. I got up suddenly and went over to Dad.

"Dad, please don't go."

"I gotta."

"No, you don't. Shane'll switch you I bet."

"Nah. I'm goin'"


"It's important ,"

"Fine. But you HAVE to survive! This group needs you, I need you,"

"I know,"

Soon, after we all ate, Glenn got into a car. Rick walked after him. "Be safe," everyone said, but not in unison. Dad kissed my forehead . "See ya' in three days" He mumbled . "See you in three days" I hugged him quickly . He pulled his crossbow from the tent and loaded into the car.

Almost immediately , Glenn drove off. Dale cleared his throat. "Well, we should probably get to work." He said and crawled up onto the RV. Then he took watch.

I went over to Sophia and Carl, who were chatting . "Hey! You guys wanna play tag?" Carl suggested . We agreed and went a few feet away from camp.

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