Chapter 23

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I used to think that everything happens for a reason. Maybe that's true.... and maybe it's not. There could have been a reason that the Governor came to kill us. Maybe there was a reason I had to kill him. Who am I kidding? Of course everything happens for a reason. People are the bigger threat nowadays , and their actions happen for a reason .

I walked in the field , all alone and peaceful . The blue birds chirped and a cool breeze blew. The yellow daisies looked very pretty. The sky was as blue the ocean.

Except now, I'm not alone . Lizzie and Mika sit nearby, picking flowers . But they are all bloody. The wind picks up them, and it feels like a storm is coming . I try to cry out at them, but it doesn't work. My mouth is glued shut . My eyes darted to the sky, and it is now grey. The blue birds turned to vultures and buzzards, their blind squaks quite annoying and terrifying . All of the daisies are black now, and the ones by Lizzie and Mika are covered in Crimson blood.

Mika's eyes widen , and Lizzie points behind me fearfully. Turning slowly , I see a HUGE herd of walkers stumbling towards me. They seemed to take up all of the shadows beyond the field .

"Help!" I managed to scream. "Somebody help me!"

Father Garbriel appears behind Lizzie and Mika, who have now fallen to the ground . Their bodies flatten the flowers beneath them. It's like they died again .

A look of malice spreads across Gabriel's face, but I see that he's holding a cross. Its a BLOODY cross though.

He starts toward me, chanting random bible verses until he yells, "Go to Heaven or burn in Hell!"

I twist around , trying to escape him . At this point, the walkers are getting closer and closer . My breath tightens in my throat as I try to figure out what to do.

Father Gabriel's hands pull me over by Lizzie and Mika's bodies and , while I stand in front of them, he whispers ," You were supposed to die with them. The Lord said so."

He took the cross and turned it so one of the ends was near my forehead . Then, quickly , he plunged it into my skull. My body fell, and I was laying in top of the other dead bodies. Only it wasn't just Lizzie and Mika anymore . It was other humans.

Rick's voice echoes in my mind . "We've all done somethin'."

* * *

My eyes fluttered open , but I didn't look around.

I saw still on the pews, but I was laying down . My head was elevated slightly , and I looked up to see Carl grinning down at me.

"Hey," I faked a smile . I didn't want him to know I wasn't alright .

"What's wrong ? You seem upset ," He tilted his head slightly .

"Bad dream," I yawned, sitting up . My legs ached, and my neck was a little stiff.

"Hey sleepyhead!" Beth giggled as she ran over . I groaned as she pulled me to my feet.

"I have a secret," She bit her lip in a smile, glancing over at Dad. My stomach churned in hunger, but I mentally shushed it.

"Come here," Her faint accent amazed me each time she talked .

We walked over to the doors of the church and sat on the little porch. I noticed that there were some kind of "Walker blockers" in the front . They were clearly apart of the church, but I didn't dare to ask which part. Dad had probably put them there.

"Okay so, um, I don't know how to say this exactly . The age difference is sorta big, but it's not like it really matters anymore. I'm almost nineteen anyway, so it's almost alright...." Beth babbled on and on until I cleared my throat.

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