Chapter 35

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We ended up in an old , dirty pharmacy.

Having drove for hours , it began to get dark. The sky began to grow black, so we had to stop. Usually, I don't think we would but this time was different .

Once we entered , there was clearly no walkers. The place looked empty , pretty much. Except for a small flickering lantern in the front desk, there was nothing really in the place .

Dad, Rick, Glenn, Carl, and Tyreese started checking out the place.

I walked to the back as the rest of us spread out . Sasha and Maggie worked on handing out blankets to everyone . Beth , Rosita, and Tara starting handing out water and food . I got stuck with Judith, but I sat down in the back corner in one of the top shelves .

Tossing my backpack off, I pulled out my iPhone and my earbuds. I plugged the cord into my phone , and clicked my music app. I placed an earbud in Judith's ear, smiling slightly. Hopefully I could get her into some good music before it was too late . If she ever got to hear music when she was older . If she got older .

Beth came over, handing me two waters . I grabbed them, thanking her.

"Are you taking Judith for the night ? Or do you want me to?" She asked before she left .

" I got her. We'll have fun, right Judith?" I grinned at the toddler.

Judith nodded . "Ya," She babbled. Beth giggled and walked off.

I clicked a button , and a song started playing softly in my left ear. I recognized it instantly was "In The End" by Black Veil Brides.

Smiling , I turned it up a notch .

In the end
As we fade into the night

Who will tell the story of your life?

I began singing after that.

Judith mumbled along , or at least tried to .

"And who will remember , your last goodbye?" I sang , staring intently at Judith .

She stood up carefully, dancing slightly . I kept ahold of her hand, just in case she fell.

Carl came over and sat next to me and Judith. I hugged his side , still singing .

So that's how my night went . Me singing and her dancing , Carl watching us both. The last thing I remember before falling asleep with both of my earbuds in was my arm around a sleeping two year old and a 15 year old . What an odd combination for someone who almost had their brains blown out .


Something must have happened in the middle of the night . And by something , I mean something . I heard slight screams in my sleep, which alerted me . I shot my eyes open and looked around .

No walkers .

And most people were asleep. Except two.

Beth and Dad .

A moan filled the pharmacy , and then I saw them. Dad and Beth were doing it. !

"Ew! What the hell?" I groaned , pulling my blanket over my head . It took a lot of effort for me not to barf up everything in my stomach.

Judith mumbled something in her sleep. Her tiny angel voice almost or drowned out the sounds around us .

Soon, I drifted back to sleep, but was then woken up by Maggie yelling at the two, telling them to , and I quote , "Shut the hell up before she hits them over their heads with the fire extinguisher."

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