Chapter 32

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Nobody was expecting me to kill him. They all stared in shock at me, then at his body. It wasn't hateful , it was sadness. They all knew he had to die.

"Thank you ," Rick mumbled to me, nodding his head . Shakily , I returned my gun to the holster and I walked away from everyone and into the woods.

"Summer! Where are you going ?!" Beth called after me.

"I'm leaving . I'm not safe, especially when I could kill anyone of you at any moment." I stated simply with feeling .

Dad jogged over to me, Carl following . "Then I'm coming too."

"No, I have to leave on my own, it's my call, not yours," I shrugged .

"Summer, stop it," Maggie pleaded. Spinning around , I turned my back to them and ran into the woods . I heard footsteps behind me . There were people calling my name , yet I ran. I ran farther and farther ahead, not looking back at all.

After about ten minutes , I didn't hear a sound , other than a few birds chirping and my heavy breathing. I panted and panted, leaning up against a tree. I held my gun tight , calming down a bit .

I would not go back.

They are your family.

I'm not going back.

They need you.

I have killed people , and I couldn't go back.

You need them.

I can survive . I am not going back.

You'll die out here alone .

I've been on my own before.

What about Carl? Judith? Beth? Your dad?

They'll move on. Judith won't remember me, Beth and Dad have each other , and Carl will find someone that's worth it.

What are you going to do now? You'll run out of ammo.

I can survive . I have and I will.

I could always kill myself.

This time , my mind inner thoughts did not respond . Signing , I pushed off of the tree and looked around . Nothing . I didn't see or hear the group, or any walkers . Except one .

The loud growl in my ear startled me, making me let out a small scream . No doubt other walkers heard that. I'd be found by walkers, and the people I was running from.

Urgently , I pushed the walker back.

It appeared to be a young girl, about my age. She had long hair, and was wearing a battered up Nirvana t-shirt with tan jeans. Her shoes were boots. She would have been a great friend . I pulled my jacket closer , aiming my gun at her .

She had gashes all over her body, and part of her jaw was coming off.

"Poor thing," I stated, getting ready to shoot. But I stopped myself as she let out another growl.

She reminded me of Sophia. And Lizzie, and Mika, and Sunny, all combined .

I felt tears burn my eyes , but I swiped them away angrily . Finally, I pulled the trigger right before she grabbed me. Her body fell.

The gunshot was louder than expected. I heard footsteps coming from two sides of me .

On one side, Beth, Dad, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Tyreese, and Rick stood.

On the other , were three strangers . Human strangers.

"Don't move !" One of the men said, holding up his gun . His two buddies , one a guy and one a woman, held weapons up too, but I didn't think they'd shoot.

The lead guy had short brown , scruffy hair. He was slim , and was wearing regular blue jeans and a black muscle tee.

The other man had black hair and almost a beard, and he was wearing a big jacket and tan jeans.

The woman had long brown hair and was wearing a white, blood stained top and grey pants .

I looked at Rick, seeing his move . Everyone held up their weapons , and I felt myself grow scared . I knew an anxiety attack would occur soon, so I breathed deeply.

All was silent and steady, but intense all the same.

Beth ran to me, engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back, afraid to let go.

I heard Rick's gruff voice , speaking to the strangers. "Who are you?"

Beth pulled away and held up her gun at the people cautiously . I did the same , exchanging looks with Carl and Maggie.

The lead guy spoke up . "I'm Lee, that's Margret, and that's Jeffrey," He informed us, pointing to the man and woman beside him.

"What do you want?" Rick asked them .

"Wolves not far," I heard the woman whisper .

"We call ourselves-" I interrupted Lee, turning to Rick slightly , still pointed my gun at Margret.

"Hold on . Rick, she just whisper Wolves Not Far. It's them. I know you say the signs and the double you in the walkers' heads."

"Shut up, girl, or I'll blow your brains out all over the pretty blonde," Jeffrey snarled at me, pointed the barrel of his rifle at me.
I kept quiet . Just as he was about to shoot me, Glenn ran forward , catching him by surprise . He aimed his gun at his chest and pulled the trigger. Jeffrey fell, making a thud. The others were attacking now . Lee was being handled , but Margaret grabbed ahold of me. She hit my face with her hand, causing me to yelp in pain . She clearly had military training .

"Get off me!" I screamed at her, trying to fight back. I managed a punch at her throat. My knuckles snaked against her windpipe with a crack, and she let go of me, gasping for air . I backed up , afraid of what I had just done .

I saw Beth's blonde hair in front of me, and she plunged her knife into Marget's skull. Her body fell, and I looked around . Lee was sobbing furiously now, and he kicked out of Rick's hold . The muscular man leaped for Beth, trying to stab her . I pulled Beth away from Lee, as a knife hit the ground where Beth would have been.

Tyreese launched himself forward , smacking Lee in the head with his hammer twice . Although , Lee was still moving , but just barely .

An arrow went through his head , finishing him off . I looked away form the scene, nervous .

"Let's get back to the group," Rick announced , and turned back the way he had came .
Carl followed ,Glenn, Tyreese, and Dad on his heels . Maggie came over to Beth and I as we began walking back.

"You okay, Sum?" Her thick accent filled my ears .

"Um, yeah. I think so. But it's all my fault that you guys could have died ," I looked down , speeding up ever so slightly .

"Nuh- uh!" Beth insisted , her sweet voice angry.

"Any of us could due at anytime . We are all at that risk," Maggie explained .

I bit my lip and kept walking .

Maybe she was right .

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