Chapter 17

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My feet trembled as I stood up from the pile of sleeping girls. It was Mika, Lizzie, Amy, and now Beth and Maggie. They had all fallen asleep crying, whereas I hadn't slept at all.

Before exiting , I wiped my tears and faced the day. Dad sat quietly on the steps near my cell, doing something. Cautiously, I stepped over to him. He was burning his hand with a cigarette.

"Dad!" I shrieked and smacked the cigarette away from him . I brought my boot down on it until it was finally out.

"What are you doing ?" I said sadly , looking into his eyes. He didn't say anything , just grunted and looked down.

My face hardened. "Fine. Be like that. But you can't die , not now, not like this. Stop it. Stop being a jerk and being too cocky . YOU left mom and I, we didn't leave you. She loved you , and she died loving you. But you were gone. All you did was get drunk and probably other stupid stuff. Thanks for being there for me. I could have died or something, and you'd never know because YOU WEREN'T THERE!" At the end , I was screaming . Which woke pretty much everyone up. They all stared at us , blinking and rubbing their eyes .

Dad's eyes looked sad and angry. I knew he wouldn't say anything else, so I stormed off. Quickly , I picked up my axe and ran off . The cold weather had just begun, so everyone had to be bundled up. However , I just walked out with a hoodie ,skinny jeans, a beanie , and my boots.

Nobody followed me. It was strange considering I was to still be monitored , but whatever.

When I got outside, the cold air bit at my face, making me instantly cold. Maybe I should I have thought to grab jacket. Probably should have .

As I began shivering, I thought . I didn't know whether I wanted to leave , or stay . Footsteps sounded behind me, and a hand was over my mouth . My first instinct was to fight . So that's what I did. I punched at the figure . It was a man with an eye patch. He looked a bit scary, but I didn't let it show. Somehow, he saw past it.

His hand forcefully slapped my cheek, the one dad had slapped . I fell to the ground, and he took the opportunity to kick my weapons away. My hands scared the ground as I tried to crawl away. He just grabbed my ankles and pulled me back. My hands were bleeding a little and I got mad. Really mad.

Dixon mad.

All my other attempts to keep him away failed , so I screamed .

Dad was outside in minutes . "Rick!" He yelled. Dad ran over and kept hitting the man. Rick came out, and the entire rest of the group followed , just to see what was happening .

"You," Rick spat at the man.

He got off of me, and I collected my things. Amy came over and hugged me from behind . She was angry and scared.

While Rick and the nameless man talked, I whispered to Amy, "Go wait over there." Hesitantly she did as told.

Just as predicted, Rick started yelling at the pirate guy, and he was yelling back. It was clear to tell they hated each other.

"War." 'Patchy' said.

Nope. Not happening.

Silently, I took out my knife . The man had his back to me. I ran up with my knife in hand. The skin on the back of his head was tough, but I managed to plunge my knife deep into his head. It was like trying to stab a log with a fork.

His body fell and almost took my down with it.

Suddenly , I grabbed my knife and stared down at the body. His blood was covering my hands and mixing with my own . But the sight of his blood brought sudden joy to my heart. It felt like the time I was able to get a puppy. Happiness. And this scared me. Not the fact that I was happy, but the fact that I just killed a human and liked it. This had never happened .

Quietly, I looked up at the group . Shame spread across me.

To be honest , I half expected them to think I was crazy and shoot me in the head or something .

Amy's P.O.V

Summer had just...... killed somebody. An alive somebody . But he deserved it and I'm sure Rick and the others agreed.

Looks of shame and sadness showed on Summer's face. She peered up at us, knife still in her bloody hand.

Daryl was the first to speak .

"Thats my girl," He smirked.Summer's face didn't change a bit . Then Hershel, "It had to be done , Rick. He could have brought his men back and killed us all."

Lizzie, Mika, and Carl were all surprised , but seemed fairly happy . Mika was terrified , though. She clutched Lizzie.

As we all turned to go back inside , Rick whispered to Summer , "Thank you. Good job , kid."

Summer's P.O.V.

After all of the chaos , I sat with Mika . Lizzie had fallen asleep quickly .

"You killed somebody ," She said fearfully.

I sighed guiltily.

"Yeah, I know. But Mika , he could have killed us. And he could have too. But I saw my chance to ..... eliminate him."

"But he was a living,breathing person . You can't find that a lot anymore ."

"He was bad. Him and probably all his men could have came in here and blown us to bits . We are good. We need to live , because good people deserve more life than the bad ones."

Mika stared at the ground for a second or two .

"You are right, Sum," She leaned forward and hugged me. I hugged back and smile .

Dad walked in

"Time for bed, girls."

"Yes Mr. Dixon." She said quickly , going to her bed and climbing in. "Goodnight Summer, Goodnight Mr. Dixon."

Dad nodded at her and I said , "Good night Mika."

"Night Dad. Love you ." I twirled over to him and wrapped my arms around his chest and resting my head on him.

"Night darlin'" He murmured , kissing my forehead . I slinked my arms away and kissed his cheek.

Once I had climbed into my bed, he turned . But not after saying , " I love you too."

That night, I fell asleep , clutching the blanket with my hands, which were covered in dried up blood.


нey gυyѕ! ι нoped yoυ lιĸed тнιѕ cнapтer! ιт тooĸ awнιle тo wrιтe вecaυѕe ι coυldn'т тнιnĸ σf αиутнιиg. αиуωαу, ιℓуѕм!!! вyeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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