Chapter 37

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Summer's P.O.V

"SUMMER!" My mother's frantic voice shouted out . It was seemingly haunting .
Where was she? Am I with her now, forever?

It was pitch black, then I saw her. Her beautiful , long , dirty blonde hair clung to her sweaty face. Blood dripped from her nose , and from her mouth . The more she tried to yell out to me , the worse it flowed.

Blood stained her pretty beige sweater , as well as her dark red jeans . I watched helplessly , then was forced to look around .

Jeremy held the telephone to his ear , shouting words I couldn't comprehend into it. He looked .. Worried about her . I knew he cared for her , but not as much as Dad had .

I stood in front of my mother , reaching out to touch her . It was like my arm was way too short , and she was getting farther and farther away from me.

Another call.
"Baby, please help me. Momma is hurt."

Spinning around , I caught sight of my white lacy dress twirling around with me .

I see her again . Laying in a coffin. She poked her head up out of it . The black dress they had her in was really pretty , but really sad looking .

Everyone else had their heads down, mourning a prayer that the local preacher lead . "Lord, please keep Lana in your arms , as she is a wild spirit and might slip out of your grasp...."

They were all wearing various shades of black . Why was I wearing white? Was it just me? Why was any of this happening ?

The breeze blew, and I let my hair go loose . A drop of something hit my cheek.

I placed my finger to my cheek, then looked at it . Sticky and red. But cold .


A heart wrenching scream was let out somewhere , and I pulled my hands over my ears in terror . Yet, my eyes wandered around , searching for the source of that terrible noise.

My mother still sat up in her casket, her long hair blowing around her head from the wind . Blood poured from her nose and mouth again , except that it was red AND BLACK.

By now, her black dress was stained darker with the bloody mess erupting from her body.

I felt my pale , chilly little hand extend toward her .

"Mommy, you are messy." A childlike voice murmured . MY voice .

"Honey, go get Daddy. Mommy is in need of his company," Mom whispered to me , now letting fresh tears escape her eyes .

I felt myself change. I now wore a white tank top , a leather jacket , black ripped jeans, and my combat boots . The same outfit I had on before this started .

It was just me , mom, and the casket.

"You can't take him from me!" I shouted , looking at her sadly . The blood had stopped, and she looked like herself again.

"Summer, darling . I need to see him sometime . I see you a lot , but never him . We both can watch over you from here." Her smile was real, genuine.

"No! I need at least one of my parents . You are gone and I can't get you back! I can get him back. Please." I pleaded , not sure what I could do against a dead woman.

All she did was offer me a small smile before lying down in the red padded coffin.

"Not again! I need you , mom! Please don't leave me again!" I screamed at her as loud as I possibly could , and my throat began hurting immediately.

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