Chapter 25

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((Authors note : this is gonna be a filler chapter. Sorry!))

I don't understand how i went from being happy and proud of myself to sad and incredibly insecure .

Mom could help me with this. She wouldn't ignore me, like Dad was. His main focus was Beth now, not me, nor the rest of the group. Just Beth.

Don't get me wrong. I love Beth like a sister. A sister . Not a mom. But Dad doesn't understand that. I'm starting to hate him. I need him, but I don't have him. The rest of the group has been my support system lately , not him. My own father wants nothing to do with me.

Even Beth has supported me and made time for me. But Dad, nope. After I told him that Beth was hurt, he ran off and left me to fend for myself .


I ran through the woods, and away from the church . Nobody would miss me anyway. I had Judith on my hip, and she giggled as I ran.

Rick would notice her absence , but when he noticed mine he would know she was with me and that we were both safe. Carl, maybe, would follow me.

While Rick, Dad, Tyreese, Abraham, Eugene, and Glenn decided what to do about Father Gabriel. Either kill him, let him live and stay, or drop him out in the woods with no weapons .

If I had a say, I would choose kill him. He did something to Beth, which was still a mystery to me, and he tried to kill Carl. Who knows , he coulda planned to kill us while we slept. He COULD have killed us while we slept .

I shivered the thought away as Judith and I came to a small clearing . No walkers were in sight , and I didn't hear any.

I shifted Judith into my other hip and leaned against a tree.

The cool breeze blew my hair around, but it felt good. It felt relaxing .

"Summer.. Hey! Summer!" A sweet voice called. Startled, I looked up and saw Sophia skipping towards me, a happy look in her face. She was still wearing the same dirty outfit as she was when she went missing .

But how was she here?

"S-Sophia? H-How a-are y-y-you here ?" I questioned, standing up straight .

"It's a secret. Anyway, you need to turn back. Its not safe here. You are not well. Go back," She demanded, but she was still calm.

"I c-can't . Nobody needs me there anymore ," I stated, kissing Judith's forehead. She grinned in response .

Just as Sophia began to say something , Amy,Andrea, Lizzie, Mika, and Carol jogged up from nowhere .

My first words were for Carol.

"Carol, I'm sorry. I let you down . I let her die. It's all my fault. I'm sorry," I stared at the ground , not knowing what to do next.

Carol smiled at me in a motherly way.

"Summer, dear. You tried , I know. But it was Sophia's time to come back to me. It's not your fault."

Next, I needed to talk to Lizzie and Mika.

"Mika, I'm sorry you died. Lizzie, I'm sorry I had to kill you. Somebody else was gonna do it soon, I could tell. I acted fast because I wanted to be the one to do it. I was the closest person to you , since Mika was dead. I'm sorry you two."

They both just grinned at me.

"Amy, I'm sorry I let you die. I'm really sorry . You too, Andrea."

Andrea spoke first " Summer, you did what was right." Then Amy, " It was my time."

Tears flowed down my cheeks, and I felt sad. It was all my fault these people had died. All my fault .

I began to feel dizzy. Judith began crying and clutched me tighter .

The smiles of the faces before me turned serious, and they were yelling something .

I finally made out their words: "Go back! Hurry! Go!"

But it was too late. I fell against something hard, and I wasn't sure if it was a tree or a walker.



Carl's P.O.V.

I trudged back through the woods, but at a fast pace . I carried a passed-out Summer bridal style in my arms. Good thing I had been following her. My poor angel.

Judith clutched my back , for she was sitting in the backpack I'd brought .

This was all Daryl's fault . I knew Summer felt abandoned by her father now. The sad thing is, she knew this feeling all too well.


Daryl's P.O.V.

The doors of the church burst open suddenly , and Carl rushed in. Beth hurriedly took Judith from him and I realized what the trouble was . I fell to my knees then, crying softly with my head in my hands. He was carrying my unconscious daughter in his frantic arms. Only I didn't know if she was only unconscious .


Summer's P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of slight crying .

"Carl?" I looked around, noticing I was on a couch. Carl was by my side, and everyone else was in the room.

Beth and Maggie walked up then,worried looks on their faces.

"What's wrong ?" I asked softly .

Maggie spoke first ," You were severely dehydrated . You almost died."

Before I could speaks again, Beth answered my question. "You've been out for three days, oddly . You might have been in a small coma."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Carl pulled me to his side.

"Where's my dad?" I whispered.

Carl gulped. "He uh... He got really drunk last night and passed out . He's been asleep for awhile now."

I looked around once more to make sure Judith was okay before I fell back down onto the couch, unconsciousness wiping over me.

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