Chapter 41

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Summer's P.O.V

For about half an hour , we jogged back to the others . My sides began to ache, and my legs began to sweat feverishly , yet still I jogged. Faster and faster, I rushed back to my group.

My family.

Dad ran behind me, trying to keep up.

I stopped suddenly when I spotted my backpack lying on the ground .

Sighing , I crouched down and retrieved it, slinging it onto my back. My pace slowed to a walk .

Dad jogged past me , but he seemed to be slowing down to.

We were close to the house , but not close enough.

Images of a dead little baby girl, Judith, left me with a sinking feeling . Did the rest of the Wolves gang get to them? Maybe they went the other way?

Dad turned back to me, stopping all together .

"I don't think they are gonna be there," He frowned , not bothering to look the direction of the cabin.

"Have a little hope! God forbid you do that. Did Beth not teach you anythin'?" I questioned him, glaring into his blue eyes as I trudged past .

A rough hand grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Sunny , please!" I cried out, yanking her from the nearing walker. I began running once again, the little girl in tow.

But a blood curdling scream stopped me in my tracks, once again.

The walker now had ahold of Sunny's arm, pulling her towards it.

My breath started getting heavy and I tried pulling her out of it's grip. She kept screaming , but the walker wouldn't let go .

I shook the memory out of my head before turning my head towards my father .

"Lose your attitude , missy! Maybe they wouldn't be dieing if you hadn't been seeking attention and ran away!" His words were louder to me than they were to him.

Shoving him off of me, I walked away. I felt the air swish as he tried to grab ahold me me again, but I moved my feet faster and faster, until I was sprinting towards the cabin.

It was my fault , of course it was. I had ran away, but I wasn't seeking attention . I wanted to help the group .

No tears fell, but my eyes hurt a lot. The soreness I'm them felt like I had just cried for hours on end. But I hadn't .

My breathing hitched into my throat as a scream was slept out in the distance . It was a girly scream. 

Freezing , I looked to the direction of the sound .

Below me, there were pairs of tire tracks leading into the grass and off into the woods .

Nervously , I ran along them, pulling my gun out . I'd use it if I had to. Chances are, I'd have to.

Dad would catch up eventually . I pushed the worry I held for him away as I began to hear loud crying nearby. Swerving in between trees and ducking under branches quickly got old fast , I learned that.

Thorn bushes swiped across my cheeks and arms, but I didn't let it bother me at all. I had people to find .

The woods soon felt like a maze . The crying was loud in some places but quieter in others.

Adrenaline kicked in, and I followed the sound more closely .

Finally , I came across a clearing . There were trees surrounding it , and it wasn't empty .

My lips began to tremble furiously . What I saw was devastating . Three trucks and one car remained to the left. Harley held Judith close to her , and she looked upset . Rick, Michonne, and stars stood around dead bodies . Carl , Beth, Maggie, and Glenn stood by, Beth and Maggie holding Sasha back. The dead bodies all had W's on their foreheads , but bullet holes in them as well.

At Sasha's feet lay Tyreese, who had knife wounds through his chest , and a final one right in the left side of his head .

I gasped , dropping my gun and letting the backpack roll of my shoulders . That's why there was crying . Tyreese .. Dead.

Seconds later , Dad emerged beside me , eyeing up the sight . I picked up my stuff gingerly , carefully walking over to the group . Carl pulled me into his arms, letting me sob quietly . When he pulled away, he placed a kiss to my lips strongly . We must have kissed for about 30 seconds when I pulled away. I walked over to Harley softly , standing beside her and Judith.

"Why'd you leave?" She asked me, breaking my silence .
Wiping a tear, I spoke up . "I was trying to protect you guys . I figured if I killed the Wolves in my own , or just sacrifice myself to them, they'd leave the rest of you alone," I explained, making sure others heard me too.

She huffed . "Next time , I get to be apart of your plan."

"Harley, you are injured. I couldn't have brought you."

"I could have helped a little bit. I'm tougher than you think," She grunted , then added solidly , " Just like you are tougher than I thought."

Pure confusion wiped over me as I stared into her eyes , searching for any sign of lies.

"You got kidnapped by a dangerous group, killed him, I assume, escaped, found your bag, and found all of us all in one day. And you are still in one piece," Harley slung an arm around my shoulders .

"My dad killed him, actually. I was about to, but dad beat me to it. And my dad found me," I stated, glancing over at dad. He was kneeling over Tyreese's body.

The strong Dixon is him. Just days ago, he was dieing . Now, he ran miles to find me, and miles back to find our group. He's been through a lot more , though. 

Sighing , Harley shook her head . "He's strong , but so are you . And believe it or not , this group needs you. We rushed to find you , but the Wolves got us side tracked . We began to lose hope that you were dead after they came for us, and after we saw your bag on the ground . Tyreese died to try to save your life  and-"

"What?!" This was news to me.

"The Wolves said they would let you go if we let them kill us . Tyreese tired killing them, weakly . He died for you . But it's not your fault . They were already coming for us, that much is evident," Harley pulled me closer .

Looking clear at Tyreese's body, it hit me. Well, a few things actually .

1. The Wolves were dead because of me.
2. Tyreese was dead because of me.
3. I had just made more enemies than I bargained for .


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