Chapter 34

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Summer's P.O.V.


I pulled the trigger and things went black.


The last thing I remembered was ending my own life .

Bright light met me as I opened my eyes. Dad was staring down at me, his face saddened . A look of hope flashed across his face and he was me.

"Am I still alive?" I groaned , touching my head. On the one side, there was a group of bandages.

"Yeah. The bullet only grazed your head. So thank god for your bad aim," He joked, touching my cheek gently with his thumb.

Dad helped me stand up, and I felt my knees shake. I latched my hands onto Dad's arms and began walking . The whole group was around us, waking in step. I got stares from everyone , but not cold stares.

"Summer, thank goodness!" Beth grinned. Everyone was smiling at me, which I sort of liked.

Carl trotted over to me and Dad, and he supported me other arm.  Carl snuck a kiss on my cheek, and Dad grunted in response .

"I'm sorry," I apologized rather loudly , to the whole group .

Loud growls behind us cut off any response they were working off.

We all spun around .

The largest herd I've ever seen before was stumbling towards us. They seemed to be coming from the left side of the woods , where we had killed those people . The Wolves.

The  first thing I noticed was that several of the walkers had a 'W' carved in their rotting foreheads .

Rick began shooting his pistol at the walkers . Then, one by one, the rest of us started shooting . Beth, Maggie, and Rosita were knifing the ones that got too close . Dad and Tyreese used rifles, while Glenn used a pistol .

Tara shot at them as well, but she stood in front of a terrified Eugene.

Sighing , I got to work and began stabbing at the walkers furiously .

After about a dozen walkers, they were beginning to become too close .

"Move out!" Rick yelled over the growls and moans. Everyone finished off a walker and took off running . I killed a last one , taking a deep breath.

The herd was still huge, and I was suddenly glad that walkers couldn't run . That would be fucking terrible.

I began running , but a not-fully-dead corpse grabbed ahold of my ankle. I let out a scream, falling to the dust. It was still hard for me to move , because of the pain in my head .

The herd was about 7 yards away, and I knew I didn't have much time .

My heart began pulsing harder and harder as I tried kicking at the walker. It growled at my hungrily , trying to take a bite of my leg.

A gun shot rang out , and the walker's head slumped . Suddenly , I was being helped up by Tara and Carl, who were the only ones who had heard me.

"Thank you for helping me," I gasped for air was I ran with them . Well, it was more of jogging , seeing as how I was probably more injured than before .

"Actually that was me," A new voice rang in my ears, and I looked towards the right to see a girl about my age running .

The group was ahead , and I noticed a bunch of scattered cars. Glenn, Rick, and Dad were busy hot wiring  them.

Glancing behind me, I noticed that I could barely see the herd, and I could faintly hear them. How the hell did I run that far?

I pulled Carl towards the car Dad was working on as it roared to life . Tara ran off to Glenn's car, meeting  up with Maggie, Rosita, and Eugene. The girl stood beside me awkwardly , and I knew she didn't want to be alone . And I didn't intend on leaving her behind to fend for herself after this .

Carl kissed my lips quickly , running off to his Dad and Judith . Sasha, Michonne and Tyreese were riding with Rick, it looked.

Beth climbed in the car with Dad, and I hopped in .

"Hey, get in," I told the girl. She looked hesitant , but the sight of the herd again made her jump in beside me.

The three vehicles took off down the road, dogging the cars as they went .

I took my mind off of everything and asked ," So, what's your story?"

The girl looked at me nervously . She had greenish-blue eyes, long brown hair, and pale skin with a little bit of freckles . She was wearing a light camo jacket , an old white t-shirt, blue jeans, and grey combat boots. She sort of reminded me of a young Lori, minus the freckles .

"I'm Harley. I'm from Denver. Before this all started , I was with my cousins in Oregon. On my way back home , this whole epidemic started. I was ripped away from my cousins , quite literally. I ran off. I didn't want to leave then but they were being eaten alive, so I had no choice . I found weapons , food, and I even stated in a shelter for awhile . I've been on my own for about 9-10 months now. I saw you being attacked while I was on a supply , so I helped you ," She explained , taking off her black backpack and hugging it .

"I'm Summer. That's my dad and that's Beth, his girlfriend . My boyfriend Carl is in his Dad's car with his little sister , Judith, and..." I began telling her about the group , as well as my backstory .

She took it all in , smiling at the information .

Dad clears his throat and gruffly asked Harley , "How many walkers have you killed?"

Taken aback, Harley responded ,"Too many to keep track of."

Next Dad asked," How many people have you killed?" Now , I knew where this was going .

"One." Harley stated quietly .

"Why?" My father kept driving .

"Because he was dying, and I couldn't have saved him. He wanted to be out of his misery."

I smiled sadly at my new friend , then turned my attention out of the window .

Was I going to lose this friend too?

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