Chapter 19

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After getting absolutely no sleep at all , I stood up and groaned. My bed has been cold all night , so I wondered if it was cold outside .

"Oh... Hey Summer! Lizzie grinned awkwardly . I looked over at Lizzie, who wasn't facing me but she looked at me . She had a look of malice yet innocence on her face . Uh oh.

She was siting in the corner , hiding something in front of her . Hesitantly , I stepped to the side and peered around her . What I saw made me want to throw up.

There, sitting in front of her, was Mika's dead body . I gasped .

"Don't worry, she'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain," Lizzie grinned. I let out a scream of pure terror .

Lizzie put her finger to her mouth in an attempt to shush me . Footsteps sounded and Amy and Dad burst in. Amy gasped and started bawling . She ran over to me and pulled me out of the room. Dad tried to scoop up Mika, but Lizzie aimed her gun at him.

"No! We have to wait!" She pleaded .

"Where are the others?" I whispered to Amy.

"Outside . We heard the screams and your dad and I came inside to check it out ," She kissed my forehead and pulled me closer .

A few minutes later, Dad emerged from the room , holding Mika bridal style. Her limp body moved up and down as he walked. Lizzie ran ahead of us, giggling . She was still covered in blood.

Amy and I stepped out of the doors, crying loudly . Everyone stared at us, knowing something was wrong . They had stopped what they were doing just to watch us .

No, I wasn't angry at Lizzie for killing Mika. I should have been, but I wasn't . It wasn't nessicarily her fault. She had been insane for a long time now .

As we walked over to Carl and Rick, gasps and screams came out. I spun around to see Dad walking out , carrying dead Mika.

"Don't worry. She'll come back! I didn't hurt her brain!" Lizzie grinned at them. Looks of fright were on everybody's faces and they were scared of Lizzie.

"Lizzie? You did this ?" Hershel gaped at her.

"Yes. I wanted to show you all that walkers are just sick people . This was my chance . Mika was weak. Too weak. Sick, even. I was gonna do the same to Summer too. She's strong , but even strong people are walkers ." Lizzie patted Mika's head . Then she started crying .

I spotted a flower pot nearby and remembered something that Mika had told me around when we first met. I broke out of Amy's grasp and ran over to the flower pot. My hands ripped the yellow flowers out and I ran back over to Lizzie.

"Shhhhh. Look at the flowers Lizzie. Just look at the flowers."

She took them and began staring at them

And with that, I pulled out my gun, took one last look at her, and pulled the trigger.

She fell down on the grass, dead. Quietly , I walked over to Mika and shoved my knife through her head.

"Lizzie had to die. She was going to kill more, I could see it in her eyes. It had to be done ," I sobbed, wiping the tears away as they began to block my vision.

Dad dropped Mika's body next to Lizzie's and put a bloody arm around me .

"You did the right thing , Summer. It had to be done."

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