Chapter 27

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All I can recall was Rick and Dad fist fighting . People tried to break it up, but I was too dizzy to even stand. I curled up in a ball on a ground. I assume it was dehydration and shock.

Rick had started this fight. It was so sudden.

Eventually, the both knocked each other out . Beth began crying frantically , and everyone else was too shocked to carry in a conversation . Carl had passed out early on, before the fight , and so did Sasha. Tara scooped me up and carried me out to fresh air. We sat in the porch, looking out over the yard.

"W-Why did they s-start fighting?" I yawned, blinking.

"Kind of like a male dominance thing," She sighed. She leaned forward and propped her head on her hands.

"That was a stupid move. Here I thought Rick was civilized," I replied ,rubbing my eyes.

Tara nodded. "Yeah, it was. Gabriel needed to die though. Or at least we wanted to . Honestly, after what he did to Carl, I didn't think Rick would care."

"Same here. But Rick IS the leader, and he makes the decisions . It wasn't my Dad's decision to make. It was Rick's," I tapped my foot lightly now, fidgeting. I didn't want to go back inside right now.

"Yeah, that's true. They'll probably be fine when they wake up. They'll stop being dicks to each other and learn to be men, not boys," Tara smiled me jokingly .

I returned the expression , even though I wasn't in the mood to.

"I used to have a niece who was a little younger than you." Tara stated , looking down and swallowing hard.

"I'm sorry for your loss. What was her name?"

"Meghan. She was the sweetest thing, she'd never hurt a fly. Shit happened after all this, and in the end, the Governor put her down after she got bit."

Her words made me think Sophia, and how she was sweet.

"She reminds me of my best friend . She was sweet until the end. The only problem is that she fully turned when she was taken out," Tears threatened to spill, but I wiped them away.

Tara put her arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on her shoulder and cried . Out came every negative emotion I've had since Sophia's death.

A guy came out of the woods then, his hands up .

"Hello friends, I'm Aaron," He smiled.

Tara and I stood up. I stopped crying , and we raised our guns.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I would like to talk to your leader, Rick."

Tara glanced at me as if to say , "Go get the others."

I turned around and burst through the doors of the church .

"Guys! We have a visitor . He's asking to see Rick," I informed them. Rick stood up off the ground and helped dad up. Both men walked outside without another word. Beth's eyes met mine quickly.

"C'mon," I gestured , running back outside . Rick and Dad were off the porch, approaching Aaron. Tara kept her gun raised, but her attention was mostly on our two men.

Others came out the door, so I grabbed Tara's hand and walked off the porch, past the barriers we made.

I kept my gun raised at Aaron's head . He looked at me softly . I glared back at him, but it wasn't a hard glare. I was worried what Rick and Dad were gonna do.

"Hello, Rick. I'm Aaron."

"What do you want from us?" Rick asked , suspicion evident in his voice.

"Uh. I have a group , not too far from here. Miles, of course. Anyway, it's more of a community than a group. I assure you that-" Aaron began, but Rick cut him off.

Or leader tilted his head and raced forward. Aaron fell to the ground , having being punched by Rick.

I gasped , and Beth and I ran to him. We helped him up.

"Rick, please . We don't need violence . If he was gonna hurt us, he would have done it by now," Beth pleaded . Rick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose . Daryl grabbed her hand gently and pulled her behind him.

"She's right Rick. We aren't hurt yet,and I honestly don't think we will be," I tempted . Rick looked up at me.

"Summer, please. Not now."

Since I was not looking for a fight , I stepped behind Dad as well.

He patted my arm.

I left then, going to get Judith. I brought her outside , but nowhere close to Aaron.

"Daddy!" She yelled as the men talked. Glenn smiled and there were some chuckles.

"Judith!" Rick called back with a grin, despite the situation . She giggled.

"Sorry," I mouthed , going back inside the  church.

When I close the door shut behind me, I set Judith in the ground . She waddled around , fiddling with things she found .

I walked back to Gabriel's body, searching for it. Sure enough, it was right where he was left. But something wasn't right, the bullet hole WASN'T in his head. I must have been hallucinating , because there was a bullet hole in his chest.

"Uhh oh," I whispered . He was gonna turn soon.

I reached for my axe, but it hit me that I had left it on the porch when I came back  inside .

I thought for a moment, because if I left, Judith might get bit.

A hand grabbed my arm suddenly , and I saw Gabriel's reanimated corpse.

"DADDY!" I screamed as loud as possible .

Footsteps sounded in the porch.

I struggled against the walker's grip, but he ended up pinning me down. His jaws snapped open and shut.

"HELP ME!" I screamed , trying to push Gabriel away.

"THE DOOR IS JAMMED SUMMER! HOLD ON!" I heard Tyreese yell.

I screamed as Gabriel's mouth came very close to my shoulder . Judith raced over in a panick .

"Walker!" She screamed.

Gabriel began to get up.  I shoved him off . As I tried to get away, his rotting hands grabbed my ankle.

My body fell, and I cried, " DAD! PLEASE HELP ME!"

Judith ran to me , trying to pull me free but failing horribly.

I kicked and kicked at the dead man , but his grip tightened . He was hungry.

Judith ran into the room behind us. She came back out with a wooden cross, which was sort of pointed . She waddled over and handed it to me.

I reached back and plunged it through Gabriel's head just as the door opened.

Kicking him off me, I stood up and cradled Judith. It was her that saved me , not the rest of the group . And she was a baby.

Dad surrounded me in his arms.

"You didn't fully kill him. He came back," an edge in my voice flared up.

"Judith helped me. She got the cross and gave it to me," I kissed her forehead .

"Summer, the door was jammed . It wouldn't open. Part of the floor came up and pushed it shut," Rick explained , reaching for his daughter. I handed the baby in my arms over to him.

"I'm fine , I guess. Where's Aaron?"

Aaron's eyes met mine from the back of the group .

"We are leaving . Everyone's gonna start packing up," Rick ordered.

As everyone started moving around, I stared back at Gabriel's FULLY dead body.

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