Chapter 28

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Gabriel's burial was very short and depressing . It's not even worth telling about talking about . I cried, and everyone else was in shame. Especially dad . He refused to utter a single word the whole day.

I've had to limp since the attack yesterday because my leg is really sore. The group had a meeting to decide whether or not I was scratched . Dad was on the edge of his seat the whole time , occasionally pacing around and biting his nails.

So , here I am, limping alongside Dad. We are apparently on our way to Alexandria, the place Aaron told us about . And his boyfriend, Eric, joined us . This place is supposed to be safe, but after what happened in the past , I don't think any place is safe.

"Are we almost there yet ?" Carl groaned .

Rick looked to Aaron.

"No, unfortunately . We still have a ways to go," Aaron sighed.

I kicked the dirt with my good foot. Everyone was exhausted by now, but Aaron insisted that we didn't stop.

We kept walking , unsure of what we were heading to . Walkers have been the least of our worries on this trip so far.

"Hey Dad, can we go find-" I was interrupted by the bushes rustling.

Everyone raised their weapons, including me.

A little girl about 5 years old popped out . She had brown eyes, pale skin, and long brown hair. Her clothes, a black tshirt , grey jeans and black boots, had some blood on them, but not much. She had a pistol and knife strapped to her waist . She looked upset and scared. I put down my gun and walked towards her carefully.

"Hi. I'm Summer. We aren't going to hurt you, I promise."

She looked at everyone , clearly terrified. They all put down their weapons .

"My mommy just died..." She trailed off, looking at the ground . Her voice was sweet but sad.

Carl walked up, Judith in one arm. He held my hand with his free hand.

"This is Carl, and his little sister Judith. She's about three," I smiled .

The little girl half-smiled at me .

"I-I'm Sunny," She mumbled, tugging on a knot in her hair .

Before I could think of something else to say to her, there was another rustling in the bushes.

I pulled Sunny behind me and raised my weapon.

A lady walked out cautiously , a sword in her hand . She looked fierce . Her hair was long and kinda dirty , and she was black.

Rick was the first to move . he walked up to the woman.

I relaxed, putting my gun down . I could tell she wasn't gonna hurt us. It didn't seem likely .

After awoke of discussion , the lady became part of our group . She was very hesitant, but still wanted to try to see what it would be like living in a group of people .

"This is Michonne," Rick informed us.

Everyone began walking again. I offered Michonne a smile, then laughed as Sunny gripped at my hand . She wouldn't really look or talk to anyone else .

We walked at a reasonable pace , but we seemed to go slower and slower . Food and water was scarce, and walkers were beginning to be a problem . Carl and Judith looked about as tired as me, and Sunny refused to let go of me .

Dad walked with Beth and Rick, but he kept checking on me every so often . That was a nice feeling to have .

"Summer... can you pick me up? Please ?" Sunny whispered . We had to stop walking on the road and go through the woods , finally .

"Sure," I smiled , lifting her up. She was surprisingly very light .

"We are going to this place. Hopefully it'll be a safe place for us to live," I assured her , holding Carl's free hand with my free hand. He smiled at me and Judith began playing with his hair. It was very cute.

"I haven't been safe for a long time," Sunny itched her cheek.

"How long were you by yourself?" I asked curiously .

"About 2 days. Daddy died early . Mommy was stronger than him but a group of people killed her. They carved a 'W' in her head!" She explained , shuddering a bit.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I don't have a mommy either. But my daddy is right up there, with the angel winged- vest," I pointed to my father .

Sunny looked at him. "He's dirty," She giggled .

I nodded. "Yes he is," I laughed with her.


After hours of walking, Aaron gave us some news. We were only about 5 minutes away.

When he said that, we all took off running towards the place .

It was an average housing development , but with a huge wooden wall. It looked sturdy and safe.

Rick was hesitant to go in.

"Rick, c'mon. There are children in there! Listen!" Sasha smiled .

She was right . The sound of kids was very clear.

The gates opened , and we all stepped inside. Though it was almost dark, we were greeted by the leader , Deanna.

Abraham huffed when meeting her.

Apparently we had to be filmed with an "interview" .

When it was my turn, I set Sunny down with Beth and walked in.

Deanna's office was nice and tidy. It looks professional , actually.

"Hello, Summer. Have a seat if you'd like," Deanna smiled .

I sat down nervously . Can this be over already ?

"So, Summer . You are Mr. Dixon's daughter, correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Tell me about your past . Before all of this."

"Well, it was good. But my uncle caused problems between my parents , so my father left when I was younger . That's all I really remember . I found him, and I've been with him ever since," I explained .

"Okay, okay. Are you happy with the group?"

"Yes, very much . They are really caring , but also very strong and supportive," I smiled slightly .

Deanna smiled at me.

"Anything else for right now?" She asked me.

Well, if she really needed to know .......

"The little girl, Sunny... She doesn't need an interview . We just crossed paths with her earlier. Her parents are dead, her mom just recently . And I'm dating Carl," I grinned , standing up . Deanna grinned at me as I walked out.

Maybe I trust her. Maybe.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short, boring chapter . But I noticed that I get less reads as I go. Can you please tell any Walking Dead fans about my story please? It would mean a lot! ILY guys! By the way, I couldn't remember if Michonne was already apart of the story or not do I re-added her.

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