Chapter Two: "Different From The Rest"

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Sean made his way into the school, walking reluctantly down the hallway. The place felt more like a zoo than a school. People were running around or chatting and laughing in groups. Making his way up to his locker, Sean pushed his hood back to see better and turned the number dial around to unlock it. Opening his locker, he yanked off his earbuds and put everything that he wasn't allowed to have on him into the locker. Stashing his phone on the shelf, he started to remove the textbook for his first class but became quickly distracted as someone called out. "Mark?! What are you doing, man?" To his surprise, Mark walked over to him. Sean felt like a deer in the headlights. For years not a single Alpha or Beta had approached him. They didn't even talk to him unless it was something snarky or mean. Mark leaned his shoulder against the lockers, giving him a grin before speaking in a deeper voice than he remembered Mark having. "Hello, Sean." Sean exhaled the breath he'd been holding. Forcing himself to keep his eyes from looking at how tight Mark's clean white shirt was beneath his open red plaid sweater, he mumbled out. "If you've come to brag. Fuck off. If you're going to tell the Zetas that I challenged you... remember that I passed a Beta and would have passed you had no one interfered."

Sean yanked his book from the locker and grabbed the locker door to slam it, but Mark stopped it from closing. Leaning closer, Mark told him with a sudden warm smile. "I didn't come to brag. And I don't care that you challenged me." Sean narrowed his eyes on Mark, asking uneasily. "Then why did you?" Upon hearing laughter, Sean shot a glare over Mark's shoulder to the group of cackling Alphas and Betas that were watching them. Sean's defenses rose and his body tensed. What were they playing at? Was this a joke? Sean checked behind him to see if someone was sneaking up on him. Mark's voice drew his attention back when he told him calmly. "I wanted to tell you that I'm impressed. I've never seen an Omega run that fast." Sean rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. "Ya... Well, how often do you run against Omegas that aren't losing on purpose? And besides... you aren't likely to again. Someone is likely going to tell a Zeta about it, who will then tell your father... and then I'll be chewed out for it." Sean opened the locker more to get Mark's hand off, then shut the locker before adding grimly. "Had my plan worked. I'd at least be able to tell the lead Alpha that I didn't just beat any Alpha... But his son to boot. Instead, I'm reduced to getting a pity compliment from you." One of the Alphas in the onlooking crowd, called out. "Mark, come on! There are better ways to waste your time!" The others laughed, prompting Sean to step around Mark and snap out. "Go stick your dick in a vacuum cleaner, Thomas!"

When the others laughed, Thomas lurched forward to stand before Sean. Sean stood his ground, until Thomas unleashed a challenging growl. Sean whined in pain as he tried to resist the Beta's powerful influence. He was physically unable to fight him back. His submissive nature taking ahold of him and forcing him to submit to the Beta's dominating will. The more Thomas leaned over him, the lower Sean sank, until he was forced down to his knees. Fearing that Thomas would humiliate him by making him lay across the floor, Sean was going to start apologizing. Until Thomas was shoved back away from Sean. Instantly, the influence was lifted off Sean. Thomas shot back up to his feet to snarl at the person who had shoved him so aggressively. Mark braced himself for a fight, replying with a thunderous growl of his own that gave Sean goosebumps. Sean knew that Alphas had a powerful influence, but he'd never been so close to one to feel it for himself. Thomas let out a sharp whine, dropping to his knees with instant regret. Unlike Omegas, the Betas could resist the influence of those ranked above them but that meant they'd fight. Thomas was a lot of things, but he wasn't dumb enough to challenge an Alpha. Let alone one like Mark. Mark's family had been the lead Alpha of the pack for generations.

His father had spent the last eight years training him to fight in preparation for his upcoming fight at this years Spring Equinox Festival. Any Beta that tried to challenge an Alpha for control of the pack had to have some balls of steel. In the history of the werewolf packs, no Beta had EVER led a pack. The Alphas were just too strong. Once Thomas had submitted to him, Mark relaxed and extended a hand out to Sean to ask in a nice voice. "Are you alright?" Sean didn't accept his hand. Climbing up onto his feet on his own, before telling him defensively as his wounded pride came back into his voice. "I'm fine. I didn't need your help." Sean shied away from Mark, expecting him to get mad. Mark dropped his hand, telling him nicely. "There is nothing wrong with accepting help." Sean hugged his textbook to his chest, his eyes rising to stare into Mark's as he retorted a bit darkly. "Says the Alpha that has NEVER needed help." The hallway fell into a stunned silence before Ethan jogged up to them from the crowd. Wrapping an arm around Sean's neck, Ethan chuckled out. "Isn't he just a riot? You'd think with a mouth like that, that he'd be a Beta." Sean felt the jab of Ethan's words and tugged away from his arm to storm off to class. Behind him, Mark called out his name, but Sean ignored him.

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