Chapter Twenty-Eight: "The Past Returns"

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Sean moved out into the glen, asking his dad in a soft voice in case others were around. "I don't understand. Mom knows Zedekiah?" His dad bowed his head, his fingers fumbling with the front of his shirt when he answered reluctantly. "I guess, I should explain. You know how you met Nathan? He came to your school with some friends for the Bunny Festival?" Sean nodded, allowing his dad to sigh heavily and say coolly. "Well, when I was about your age. The same thing happened. Only there were more Packs around that came too. They'd all come to our school because the Valley was the heart of everything. Easier for young Wolves to travel to. I don't remember most of them, but two stood out to me. Daire and your mother." Sean's jaw dropped a little. His dad turned away a bit, when he said a bit grimly. "The Valley and City Wolves never got along even then. No one ever picked the City Wolves. They were... uncivilized. Simply there to honor the agreement among the Packs. Well... One day, I got detention because I was being too much of a distraction in class. Where I found your mother. You wouldn't recognize her if you compared her to herself now."

A small smile spread on his face, upon regaling aloud. "I still remember the way she looked. Messy hair. Her worn blue jean pants and torn red shirt that hung off her shoulder. She sat in the corner of the room with a small flowerpot that held a withering plant. She was shading it and giving it water from her water bottle. Her hands were cut up and she had love in her eyes for that plant that made me envious." Sean smiled a little, trying to picture it. His dad then chuckled out. "She asked me if I got lost. She didn't think a 'Valley boy' like me could be in trouble..." His dad's smile faded, before he cleared his thought and said more presently. "Anyway. She came from the City with her best friend, Daire. He wasn't as tall as his brother, but he had a look that could chill you to the core. Behind his yellow eyes... was something devious. You could feel it and hear it hidden behind his calm words. He was a monster in human flesh. Pets would go missing and be found... eaten. Omegas claimed to see someone follow them home at night. No one could prove it was him. But we all knew..." Sean shivered, causing his dad to look up at him with comforting eyes.

Trying to pull back on the scary bits, his dad told him in a lighter tone. "He never showed interest in me. Never gave me gifts. I always thought it was because your mother liked me, and they were friends. Until the Omega games... Cliffton was fighting to replace his father as Lead Alpha. Your mother won every fight in the Beta fights. I was so proud. It meant that she would become the Lead Alpha's second in command. That she'd be initiated into the Pack." His dad cringed then, lowering his eyes to say softly. "Daire fought Cliffton in the last Alpha fight. Daire lost. He was kicked from the ring... but Daire didn't care. He charged back in when Cliffton's back was turned. Cliffton went down... and your mother rushed in to protect Cliff. The Pack got involved to separate them. I ran in and got thrown into the window of a car. I don't remember much after that. I woke up in the hospital." His dad glanced around uneasily, then told him rather discreetly. "They took a blood test while I was knocked out to see if I needed a tetanus shot... and discovered that I was pregnant. Upon further testing to an 'abnormality'... They found out more." Sean nodded in understanding, before asking timidly. "So, you and mom... didn't wait until the Bunny Festival to...?"

His dad chuckled to himself, then shook his head as he admitted. "No. I... I wasn't in school when my first Heat hit... Your mother talked me into skipping and we went to the beach." Blushing a deep red, his dad told him sweetly. "I'm such a good role model, right...? But I was... unhappy then. My parents were always fighting about me, and it was hard for me to burden friends with my family drama. When they were always so happy with their lives. Your mother heard them yelling when she came to walk me to school. I was in tears and your mom..." His dad drifted off with a small smile. Sean moved closer to ask curiously. "Is that why I've never met my grandparents?" His dad huffed out grimly under his breath. "My birth parents died when I was really little. Dad died after he got sick. Mom died shortly after from the heartbreak of losing him. I was adopted by a couple that couldn't have kids. An Alpha and Beta couple. They wanted a kid like them... and they got me. They didn't know the first thing about raising an Omega. Let alone... one like me." Sean bit his lower lip, saying softly in return. "That's why you wanted me?" His dad pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his temple when he answered warmly. "It was one of many." Hugging his dad, he felt lucky to have a dad that was there for him and understood him. He couldn't imagine trying to learn about himself on his own.

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