Chapter Forty-Three: "Just Meant To Be"

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Rolling Mark onto his back, Sean straddled his waist and leaned down to kiss him. Sean stroked Mark's cheeks, encouraging him to extend the kiss for a bit longer. Mark accepted it, his hands sliding up along Sean's waist and up under his shirt. Sean moaned into the kiss, shivering as Mark's hands moved up along his spine to press him down over his chest more. His nails lightly clawing back down his back in a way that made Sean arch his back into his hands. When Sean broke the kiss to bow his head and breathe, Mark asked him in a deep playful voice. "I thought you were tired." Sean smirked, blushing out over his lips. "I am... but I can't let this moment pass me by. I rarely get you alone." Sean's bangs fell off his face, hanging over Mark's face when he added so shyly. "I want to mate with you again, Mark... but this time, it will just be us." Mark's hands held his slender hips, smiling when he told him sweetly. "We've got plenty of time." Sean brushed his lips over Mark's, pleading softly. "Mark... Please? I... I need this. I need to feel you. I need... to feel close to you. You Claimed me... but I need to feel like yours... unashamedly." Mark gave him a little kiss, then whispered to him in a gentle loving tone. "I see your point. Ok. Let's do it... for us."

Sean bit his lip with a blush, then sat up on Mark's lap. Mark's hands stroked Sean's thighs, before slowly sitting up to cup his face to kiss him. Sean giggled into the kiss. Mark kept the kiss light and playful. When Sean tilted his head back, Mark trailed the kiss down his neck to the bite. Inhaling sharply, Sean put his hands on Mark's ribs in warning. His neck was sore and sensitive. Mark licked the bite, then kissed it so carefully that Sean relaxed and rested his forehead down on Mark's shoulder. Mark's hand stroked his back, before his hands began pulling Sean's shirt up. Leaning back, Sean lifted his arms to let Mark pull it off him. Mark tossed his shirt away, his arms wrapping around his torso as he pulled him close to kiss his bare chest. Sean wrapped his arms around Mark's shoulders, running his hands through his hair to pet him. He loved the way Mark kissed his cold skin, leaving warm spots that gave him goosebumps. When Mark licked one of his nipples, Sean gasped and rose on his knees with a little whimper. Mark smirked, kissing around the nipple, before whispering up to him. "That explains why I tasted milk. I thought I had imagined it." Sean covered his face in his hands, muffling out through them with embarrassment. "Please don't talk about that... It's humiliating."

Mark pulled Sean's hands away from his red face, bringing his lips to his when he told him in a buttery voice. "You're so beautiful, Sean. Everything about you excites me. You don't have to hide from me." Sean pushed Mark's bangs back, telling him in return. "Oh, Mark... I love you." Mark lifted Sean's chin a little, chuckling warmly as he leaned in to kiss him, saying softly. "I love you too." After the kiss, Mark leaned back to remove his own shirt and Sean bite his lip nervously. He'd never taken in Mark's body as much as he did now. He'd always been told how rude it was to stare... but he wanted to stare at him. Wanted to study every part of him. Mark blushed, looking away when he asked shyly. "I'm still working on bulking up... What you see is-" Sean placed his hands on Mark's chest, causing him to puff his chest up and suck in what little gut he had to make his muscular torso look firmer. Running his fingers over his soft warm muscles, he told him honestly. "I like you this. Your strong enough to hold me but soft enough to cuddle with without feeling like a rock." Mark snorted, his arms flexing a little as he leaned back on them.

Feeling every detail of Mark's torso, he listened to how Mark's breathing started so calm but steadily grew heavier. Leaning in, Sean kissed the bite on Mark's neck, before grazing his teeth lightly on it. Mark inhaled deeply, arching into him. Sean pulled from him, brushing his own bangs out of his eyes, before reaching down to unbutton his pants. His bangs fell back to cover his eyes as his fingers fumbled with the button and zipper. He didn't understand why he was still so nervous. Would this always happen? Mark kissed his shoulder, telling him softly without touching him. "Take your time. There is no need to rush. It's just us." Sean dropped his hands from his pants, taking a moment to just calm down and breathe. Mark kissed his shoulder more, then rubbed his cheek against his arm, telling him coolly. "Having you doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm going to wake up..." Sean turned Mark's head to press his forehead to his, telling him in his best loving tone of voice. "I hope not. I don't want to lose you." Mark stroked his fingers over Sean's ear, then leaned in to capture his lips in a passionate slow kiss. During the kiss, Mark wrapped his arm around his waist, shifting to roll Sean onto his back.

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