Chapter Thirty-Five: "Baited"

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After speaking with his dad, Sean decided to take a bath. Sitting in the warm water felt nice and he enjoyed playing with the soapy bubbles that had a scent that was so soothing to his mind and body. Laying in the water up to his shoulders, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine his troubles washing off his skin like clinging dirt. Even if his troubles couldn't be washed away so easily, he just wanted to feel like he was resetting himself. He needed a fresh outlook. Smirking to himself, he heard music playing downstairs. He could imagine his mom racing around cleaning and humming to herself. It made him smile to see her so happy. It hadn't occurred to him that his mom might have always wanted a big family because she'd never had that. It made him a little proud that he might give her that, after everything she had done to keep him safe over the years. What she was still doing to keep him safe. He wondered if his dad felt the same way after losing his own family. Biting his lip, he smiled to himself though. From the outside, he imagined that his family looked broken. Yet, all his memories were happy ones.

Reaching out, he picked up one of his baby toys from the bin and fell back into his old memories. Memories of splashing his dad in the tub and his mom chasing him around the yard in the summer. Tilting his head back, he wondered if he'd be as good at raising his puppies as they had been. What would he pass on to his puppies? What memories would they look back on? Finishing up his bath, he dried himself and dressed in fresh pajamas. Heading downstairs to get something to eat, he stopped in the living room to stare at his parents. The music was playing a slow loving song and his mom had her arms around his dad's waist. She swayed with him, kissing his neck with teary eyes. His dad leaned back against her, his head resting on her shoulder, while his hand was stroking his mom's cheek with light strokes of his knuckles. They looked so happy together that Sean almost cried. He'd never noticed how in love they were when he was little... but he could see it now. His mom whispered how much she loved him, and his dad whispered back in a fragile voice. "You do? You don't think I'm getting too old?" His mom smirked, kissing his neck before she told him in a deep loving tone. "I haven't noticed. You're still that same feisty little pup that I fell in love with. You still make me blush with a desire to hold you all night."

His dad blushed, turning in her arms to hug her. They shared a deep kiss that prompted Sean to back up and lean against the entryway into the living room. He didn't have the heart to interrupt them. His mom rubbed her hands along his dad's back during the long passionate kiss. Then when their lips parted, she put her forehead to his and mumbled out a little emotional. "Thank you for this life, Noah. It's everything you said it would be and more..." His dad cupped her face, brushing her tears away as he whispered over her trembling lips. "We did it together." They shared a smaller kiss, before his dad playfully said. "We still have a few good years left... Wanna have another puppy?" His mom laughed, but Sean's face paled as he shivered out quietly. "Oh, no..." He really didn't want a sibling. He was too fond of having his parents all to himself. His mom's answer brought him slight relief when she told his dad. "We won't need one. We'll just help Sean with his. Right, Sean?" Sean rolled his eyes, inching out to where they could see him. His mom winked at him, giggling out to him. "Why are you hiding? You know you can't hide after a bath. You smell too good."

Sean shrugged, walking toward the kitchen as he said honestly. "I wasn't hiding... I just... Didn't want to stop you in the middle of... your moment together." His mom turned away to hide her teary eyes a bit longer. Wiping them like she just had an eyelash or something in them. His dad huffed in return, telling him sweetly. "What are you talking about? Your mother and I have plenty of moments together." Sean shrugged, moving closer to the counter as he regaled casually. "I'm sure you do. But I don't see it all the time. So, I just assume..." His dad laughed, walking over to him to playfully retort. "We used to show it all the time, but we toned back because of you and your... Oh, what would you call that phase, Lauren?" His mom giggled out softly as she finished setting the table. "The cootie phase?" His dad smirked, leaning closer to tell him in a playfully mocking tone. "Yes! The day you came home and told us not to kiss because someone at school told you that kissing gets you pregnant. And you wanted me to see a doctor before it happened to me." Sean blushed, mumbling out. "I don't remember that..." He dad ruffled his hair, pulling him into a hug when he replied. "Well, you did. So, we pulled back on public affection until you were old enough to have the talk... but by then it was a habit to keep it secret from ya."

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