Chapter Twenty: "Attraction & Reaction"

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Sean's breath hitched in his throat as Nate pulled slowly from their passionate kiss. Giving him a small smile, Nate breathlessly whispered to him. "Last chance to back out." Sean saw Nate's eyes struggling to surpass the wolf beneath the surface. Sean pulled Nathan's leather jacket off the couch and dropped it to the floor to get it out of their way, while whispering over his lips. "I trust you." Nate brushed his cheek against Sean's, replying in a deep husky voice. "You shouldn't... I've never been around an Omega... I could lose control with a scent like yours." Leaning in, Sean licked Nate's ear lightly. A deep groan rumbled from Nate, giving Sean goosebumps. Sean couldn't believe what he was doing. For the first time, he felt like he was a bad pup. This felt dirty. Nate's hands moved along his clothed thighs, going straight to his belt. Sean went back to gripping Nate's flexing biceps. He could feel his hands moving but couldn't bring himself to look at what he was doing. He could barely look Nate in the eyes. Feeling the fabric open, Sean inhaled sharply, his legs tensing hard enough that he shifted on Nate's lap. Nate's hands moved away to hold his waist, telling him in a deep soothing tone of voice. "Easy. I just want to pet... all of you."

Sean's cheeks burned so bad that the tips of his ears felt warm. Nate's lips found the tip of his ear, giving it a little playful nip. Sean cringed from the sensation of his teeth, a tiny whine leaving him. Nate's teeth retracted off his ear, his soft lips replacing them to suck on his ear. Sean panted heavily, resorting to biting his own lip to try and collect himself. He was such a bundle of nerves and feelings. He could barely focus beyond primal desire. When Nate suddenly leaned away, Sean's fragile eyes darted to look at him. Had he done something wrong? Nate flashed him a grin, then grabbed his shirt to pull it off himself. Sean swallowed, unable to keep himself from looking as the shirt revealed his abs and chest. Nathan wasn't as muscular as the Alphas, but he came damn close. His six-pack was defined and awoke a strange feeling in Sean. Seeing him like this made him feel... protected. Hesitantly, Sean reached out to touch his abs. He'd never touched a Beta or an Alpha to this degree. Nate inhaled as Sean's fingers moved along the grooves of his muscles. His skin felt so warm and soft. Even for having so many healed scars. Upon running his fingers over a red scar along his side, Nathan grabbed his wrist and winced out through his teeth. "Careful... Those are still... healing." Sean curled his fingers back, mumbling out a little timid. "Sorry."

Nate loosened his grip on his wrist, sliding his hand up his arm to cup his face. Bringing him closer, Nate warmly whispered over his lips. "It's ok. Just be careful. Pain brings out... other things." Sean nodded, kissing him again. Nate's hands wrapped around him, holding his hips up against him. Sean squealed into the kiss, then clung to him as Nate hefted him up to lay him back across the couch. Sean's hands went to Nathan's chest, trying to keep him off him in order to breathe. Nathan adjusted onto all fours over him, keeping his body off him but continued kissing him passionately. Sean's legs rose to lock his knees against Nathan's hips. His body was shaking a little and trying to keep Nate from putting him in a position that he wouldn't be able to get out of. Nate didn't even seem to mind that Sean was keeping him from laying down over him. The longer he stayed off him, the more relaxed Sean became. Breaking the kiss, Nate told him with a smile. "It's ok. It's just easier to touch you this way." Sean blushed, mumbling out nervously. "Sure... but you are also more... intimidating like this." Nate's eyes were soft when he told him. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Sean nodded, shakily answering. "I know... but I can't..." Nate sniffed his neck and Sean cringed. He could imagine the smell of his fear was getting stronger. Nate climbed off him, moving to sit on the floor beside the couch. Sean sat up and was going to apologize again. He felt like he was ruining this. Why was he so scared? Nathan took his wrist, coaxing him down with him. Sean started to slide off the couch, surprised that Nate guided him over him. Bracing over him on all fours, Sean blushed and asked curiously. "What are you doing?" Nathan laid his arms up over his head, telling him calmly. "I'm giving you room to breath and move. I'm less intimidating like this, right?" Sean nodded, but anxiously said. "I don't know what to do..." Nathan shrugged, informing him coolly. "What do you want to do with me?" Sean huffed, his cheeks burning more. Nathan carefully took his wrist, putting it on his chest. Sean gulped, feeling how strong and steady Nathan's heart was. Stroking his wrist, Nate told him comfortingly. "Pet me. Aren't you just as curious as I am?" Exhaling, Sean sat down on Nathan's thighs and slowly moved his hands over Nathan's torso.

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