Chapter Twenty-Three: "Beaten and Bruised"

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Mark glanced back at Sean over his shoulder with worry. Exhaling heavily, Mark winced as he slid back onto his bike and told Nathan seriously. "How long do you think it will be before Zedekiah makes a move on the Valley?" Nathan straightened up a bit on his bike, thinking it over for a few seconds before answering coolly. "Knowing Zedekiah... maybe a month? Without me, he's going to promote Lexus to Lead Alpha. She's irrational, but Zedekiah knows he can't take the Valley without a proper plan. You've got too many healthy Alphas and Betas. Most of the wolves in the City are drunken fools. Full of aggression but they lack unity. If the attack comes... it's going to be random... He'll hit you when he thinks he has the best advantage. Or can use the distraction to his advantage." Sean inched closer to them, asking a little shaken up. "Distraction? You mean he won't fight with his pack?" Nathan scoffed, answering dryly. "City wolves are not a conventional pack. We are loners that hang around each other. What leadership I provide is met with fights and heavy resistance. So, no. Zedekiah will rally them into fighting to the death. But he'll have his own targets that he'll be after."

Sean hugged himself, mumbling out timidly. "I don't like the way you said that..." Mark locked eyes with Nathan, asking curiously. "And his targets?" Nathan raised his eyebrows a little, stating out swiftly. "You. Your dad. Me. Zedekiah always goes for the leaders. He'll probably take Lexus with him to handle any second in command you have. With no leaders... He takes over. Game over." Mark nodded, telling them firmly. "Let's get back to the Valley." Nathan revved his engine, trying to muffle his groan of pain as he shifted on the seat. Mark extended a hand out to Sean and Sean hesitated. He was feeling so emotionally torn and afraid. Mark's expression softened, his voice becoming deep and warm when he said. "Sean. Let's go home." Finally taking his hand, Sean climbed onto the bike and hugged Mark. Mark turned the bike back on, then led the way toward the gates of the Valley. Reaching the gate, Mark slowed to command the gate guards sternly. "Spread the word. Close the gates to the Valley. Nobody gets in or out!" The two guards glanced at each other, asking nervously. "Why? What's going on?" Mark tensed, barking out. "I can't explain! Just do it!"

The guards nodded, closing the gate after Nathan and turn their keys to lock it in place. Mark sped up on the road going faster than Sean had ever seen Mark drive. Sean clung to him tightly, trying to stay on as the bike went over bumps and cut corners. He was just too shaken up to enjoy the ride. His fear only grew, when he noticed that Mark was hunching over the bike. He didn't look so good, and he was starting to drift on the road a bit too much. Sean sat up off Mark's back, asking over the wind and engine. "Mark?!" Without warning, Mark slowed the bike and made the tires squeal across the pavement. Sean yelped, slamming into Mark's back from the sudden stop. For a few seconds, Mark didn't move, but Sean could hear him panting and felt him tremble. Sliding off the bike, Sean walked to the front of it and tried to meet his eyes when he asked with concern. "Mark...? What's wrong?" Mark didn't look up but panted out a bit groggily. "Adrenaline is wearing off... I can't..." Sean quickly turned the key to turn off the bike, telling Mark seriously. "Get off." Mark dropped his hands from the handlebars, swinging his leg off the bike. Mark only took a single step, before stumbling to his knees in the grass.

Sean caught the bike to keep it from falling on Mark, yelping as the weight of it threatened to buckle him. Straining to hold it up, Sean called out desperately. "Mark, move! I can't hold it!" Mark started to raise a hand to touch the gas tank, before he fell across the grass. Sean whined loudly in distress, he wanted to push the bike over to the other side to let it fall, but the gas in the tank had shifted. Stretching out his arms, he tried to brace his feet to push the bike back. As he did though, the hot engine and tail pipes touched his bare skin, causing Sean to scream. Driving up quickly, Nathan hopped off his bike, letting it fall to the ground. Running up, he easily grabbed the bike with one hand and pushed it upright. Kicking the kickstand down, Nathan asked him frantically. "What happened?!" Sean winced, feeling the burn across his lower back as he whined out. "I don't know..." Nathan checked Sean's back, telling him comfortingly. "You're ok. Don't touch it." Nathan briefly checked Mark's pulse, then ran off to turn off his bike. Sean crawled closer to Mark, brushing the hair from his eyes. Mark's breathing was jagged and shallow.

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