Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Uniting The Pack"

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Sean watched his dad storm off toward the stairs. He stripped off his dirty shirt and tossed it aside without a care. Which was so unlike his dad, but he was happy to at least see him moving around. After his dad stomped up the steps, Sean asked Mark and Nathan in a worried voice. "Is it wise to go looking for him? I want to save my mom... but we could barely escape him when it was the three of us. And you two are in no condition to be..." Sean couldn't bring himself to finish. His emotions were creeping back up and constricting his throat. Mark moved away from setting up the table, telling Nathan nicely. "Check the soup for me?" Nathan nodded, slipping into the kitchen without protest. Mark sat down beside Sean, beckoning him into his arms. Snuggling up against him, Sean sniffled and tried to absorb his warmth. Kissing his temple, Mark whispered to him lovingly. "We're just going to help the Pack look around. If we find anything. I'll call others in." Sean twisted his hand up in Mark's shirt, mumbling out. "But he's looking for us..." Mark's hand rubbed his back, soothingly telling him. "I know. Which means we might recognize clues he left for us to find. I'm not happy about it... but this is something I have to do. I'm... I'm the Alpha. It's my job to keep everyone safe."

Sean shook his head, but he knew it was true. Mark pressed his warm cheek to Sean's, causing Sean to calm down a little. Holding him as close as possible, Mark whispered to him in a deep soothing voice. "Besides. I think staying here with nothing to do but worry would only make things worse for you and your dad. Your dad wants to hunt. So, it's better that he hunts with us and not on his own." Sean reluctantly nodded. He couldn't help wondering if Nathan had said what he did, just to ignite his dad with that little burst of hope. If he hadn't done that, he didn't know if his dad would have snapped out of the shadows that he'd been sinking into. Nathan brought a pot over to the table then, telling them casually. "Come and eat. You'll need your strength. We'll be walking a lot when the rain lets up." Mark helped Sean up, keeping him close as he guided him to a seat. Even as Sean sat down, Mark stayed standing behind him. His hand draped down over Sean's shoulder to stroke his chest. It was such a little thing, but it really helped him feel safe and calm. Nathan poured him a bowl of soup, sliding it over to him for him to enjoy. He then poured another and handed it off to Sean's dad as he entered the kitchen in fresh clothes.

His dad looked like he was going to decline the food, but Nathan managed to look at him with enough persistence that he took it. Going to the back door, his dad leaned on it to watch the rain pour as he ate. Nathan gave Sean a small smile, then filled bowls for Mark and himself. They ate in silence, listening only to the pattering of rain outside. Sean hated the silence, but there was nothing he could do to fix it. A soft ding came from everyone's phones, prompting them to look. The first message was the alert for the Pack to be on the lookout for Zedekiah. Followed by a picture of Isabelle and his mom. Sean glanced at his dad who lingered on the message, before reluctantly looking back out the door. The next message that came through was just for Mark and Sean. Nathan perked up with interest, prompting Mark to tell them all softly. "It's from the Elders... They want to know if we should bump up the celebration or hold off." Nathan huffed a darkly in response. "Ya... cause the mood has been set perfectly. What the fuck are they thinking?" Sean was speechless. Numb to the news of it. From the back door, his dad grimly told them without looking at them. "There is logic behind it. Mark isn't officially the lead Alpha. And right now... They Pack needs to know who they should be listening too. The Elders are trying to avoid a panic."

Nathan shrugged, retorting a little icily. "It's better that way. Then Zedekiah can't focus on who is running the Pack. He'll be forced to choose between Mark, or his dad and Mark's dad has kicked his ass before." The second he said it, Nathan winced and grumbled out after. "He'll target Mark anyway... Shit." Sean reached up to grab Mark's wrist tightly. Mark stayed calm though, rubbing Sean's chest as he told them. "It comes down to the Pack. What would be better for them?" Nathan didn't answer, but Sean's dad piped up as he finally locked eyes with Mark. "The Pack needs an Alpha and Luna that they can rally behind. By now, everyone knows that the Pack's strongest Beta is missing... That Sean's Mother is missing. They'll start thinking that they lost the Luna they were so excited for..." Nathan nodded solemnly, before slipping in confidently. "You could do it as an act of defiance. Zedekiah thinks he's crippled you. Has left this Pack with just an old wolf that he thinks he can handle... after killing you. He's already down his Beta... but maybe you can spit in his one good eye." Sean narrowed his eyes on Nathan, not understanding in his rattled state of mind.

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