Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Omega Jamboree"

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Sean smiled, locking up the house before joining his dad in his car. The way his mom drove was so different from how his dad drove. His dad rolled the windows down and leaned casually against the door with the music loud enough to hear over the engine and wind. His mom never liked doing stuff like that... or did she? He never realized how much he didn't know about his parents. He'd lived with them for almost his whole life and was still learning things about them. Singing softly to the song that was playing, he smirked as he watched his dad wave to people along their block. His dad knew almost every member that was around his age. Waving to a woman that was mowing her lawn, his dad slowed the car to a stop and called out to her. "Saundra, what are you doing?" She gestured to the mower, chuckling out. "You're looking at it." His dad shook his head, teasing out. "I left you four messages." Saundra fixed her yellow bandana around her long braided blonde hair, shrugging out grimly. "I've been doing yard work today. I'm hoping to finish mowing before it gets too late... Why? What's going on?"

His dad flashed her a bright grin, telling her excitedly. "Us old dogs are heading up to the campground for an Omega Jamboree. Wanna come?" Saundra blinked, saying a little stunned. "But... I thought we aren't allowed to that anymore..." His dad looked at Sean briefly, before looking to her to say a bit wickedly. "Who's gonna stop us? Come on. Luke is bringing his grill and Jackie is bringing her mate's speaker truck." Saundra bit her lip, then yanked off her bandana and rushed toward the car, excitedly howling out. "Fuck it! Suzie can finish this shit!" His dad laughed, rolling down the back window to let her dive into the backseat. Sean blushed, trying to hide his anxiousness. He'd never interacted with the older Omegas. His dad began driving again and Saundra leaned out the window to call out to the Omega's that she knew about the Omega Jamboree. One Omega dashed for his car, leaving his confused mate holding the groceries. When his mate called out to him, his mate just blew him a kiss and told him that he'd be back late. Saundra laughed, asking his dad curiously. "Did you see Tony's face? That's fucking hilarious! He has no idea what going on."

Sean couldn't believe how fast word was spreading around. By the time they drove back up to the campground, it looked so different from the festival set up. They could hear the blasting music before they even got to the dirt parking lot. His dad pointed to a woman dancing on a tailgate of a large truck that had large speakers blaring. Saundra leaned forward from the backseat, chuckling out. "I'm surprised those damn things still work after all these years." As they parked, Sean stepped out and gawked at the older Omegas. He couldn't believe these were Omegas in his Pack. They were so different from the ones his age. They were laughing and helping each other set up things quickly. A good share were building a large bonfire, while others were dancing to the music. Even the ones that were helping with the grill were swaying their hips to the music and laughing like kids. As Omega's arrived, the others welcomed them with open arms and told them who needed help to finish setting up. Sean hid behind his dad, trying to become invisible. This was so overwhelming compared to what he was used too. When one of them saw him, they gently pulled him out from behind his dad, chuckling out with a warm smile. "So, you're Noah's puppy. You're so cute. Don't be so shy. We don't bite."

Sean blushed a little, then relaxed as his dad leaned on him and told the women sweetly. "No. But give us enough to drink and we bark your ear off." The woman laughed, rustling Noah's hair playfully as she shot back. "True! I'm glad you brought him. I tried to bring my boy... couldn't get him off his game." His dad patted her shoulder, telling her swiftly. "His loss. More fun for us." When she walked off to greet someone else, Sean nervously told his dad. "I can't drink..." His dad kissed his temple, telling him openly. "A lot of us can't drink. There is plenty of soda and nonalcoholic stuff. We're here to play, not to drink. You want anything?" Sean shook his head. He was too nervous to drink or eat. His dad looked away for a minute, then took his wrist and pulled him through the crowd of dancing Omegas. Reaching someone who was leaning against a tree and reading a book, his dad jumped out at him and yelled out. "HEY WALLY!" Sean bit his lip as Mr. Alten jumped and tossed his book into the air. His dad caught it, closing it as he laughed out to Mr. Alten. "Leave it to you bring a fucking book to a party. What am I going to do with you?"

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