Chapter Nine: "Heat Of The Moment"

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Sean's dad came in with a tray holding breakfast, starting to ask him sweetly. "Sean? How are you feeling this morning? Feeling any better?" His dad stopped in the doorway and chuckled to himself. Sean was laying in the bowl chair with his legs propped up along the back. He'd been watching the TV upside down for an hour or two now. He was thankful that all the pain from yesterday was gone... but what had replaced it was almost just as bad. Sighing, Sean answered his dad through I groan. "I can't live like this... I can't go through this for the rest of my life." His dad brought the tray over, telling him with a warm smile. "I said the same thing at your age. Your next one will be much better. Supplements do wonders to lessen the pain." Sean spread his legs wider along the back of the chair, letting out a soft growl as he muttered out. "I think I'd rather be in pain than... feeling like... this." His dad ruffled his hair, telling him with a light giggle. "I preferred my Heat over my Nesting period." Sean narrowed his eyes on his dad, asking a little defensive. "You don't think it is demoralizing? To desire to be... taken and used by some sweaty Alpha or Beta. To be nothing but a... puppy maker."

His dad's expression turned softer, his smile vanishing when he informed him coolly. "Your mother isn't like that. It is upsetting that a good share of Alphas and Betas think that way. But that is why it is so important for US to pick the good ones from among them." Sean shrugged, mumbling out with slight disgust. "Great... I get to choose a person that will treat me like a sex toy for the rest of my life and I'm supposed to like it... because I can't BE anything else like they can..." His dad crossed his arms, informing him casually. "Everyone always thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Why not try being happy with what you have, instead of always trying to take more than your share. You have a good life." Sean rolled over onto all fours, stating out hopefully. "Dad, haven't you ever just wanted to be something more? Haven't you ever thought about just... leaving the valley? To live like the werewolves of old? To be free of pack rules and just... live however you want! To really get in touch with the wolf within. I can't help this feeling that we are more than we have become!" His dad unfolded his arms, glancing at what Sean was watching on TV before he asked gently. "You are nervous about the Spring Equinox Festival, aren't you?"

Sean sat down on his legs with a guilty look. He'd been watching a documentary on the different Festivals from around the world. Watching some of the Alphas and Betas get rough with Omegas during mating had put him on edge. Looking at the TV, he watched an older Alpha present a kill to a young Omega of his choice. When the Omega turned around to present himself to him, the Alpha bit the Omega's neck, shoving him to the ground to mount him. The Omega wailed in pain since it was his first breeding, but the Alpha was lost in his lust. Suddenly the TV turned off, drawing his attention back to his dad. His dad hefted a sigh, tossing the remote on the bed with a sour look at the TV. His expression softened when he looked at him though and said sweetly. "Well, that shite will give you nightmares. Our Alphas and Betas are not THAT bad." Sean pointed to a bite mark that could just be seen under his dad's collar, mumbling out. "Mom bit you." His dad raised an eyebrow, asking seriously. "Did you not pay attention in school?" Sean looked away from him with a light blush. Groaning, his dad grabbed his desk chair to sit closer as he told him openly. "This 'bite' is called a 'Mark'. It means that I have a mate and can only breed with that mate. By biting me, it mixes her scent with mine to deter other possible mates from pursuing me. You only let the mate you truly love bite you. Otherwise... you are stuck with them until they die."

His dad gestured to the TV, grumbling out. "That show dramatizes everything. It's true that a lustful mate's bite could hurt because they've never done it before and are too distracted... but mine didn't. See, Alphas and Betas that truly love you will not want to hurt you. Often their love bites are so light that you have to keep telling them to bite harder until they pierce the skin." Sean tried to relax a bit more, while his dad continued sweetly. "I can't describe it... but it isn't what you think. Mating isn't about dominating the other person, Sean. It is... about finding a person that makes you feel like a better person. Someone that accepts your flaws and loves just... living in the moment with you. It's personal." His dad reached up to touch his collar absently, upon saying with a small smile. "You'll understand tomorrow when the festival starts, and you earn your collar." Sean exhaled heavily at the thought. Getting up, his dad leaned in to kiss his temple and whispered to him lovingly. "No more TV. Do something more relaxing. Enjoy your Heat... but stay away from the windows." Sean blinked, grabbing his dad's arm to ask him swiftly. "Why?" His dad only smirked and left the room.

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