Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Claimed"

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Sean's hands twisted up in Mark's fur robe as the bed was pushed into position. The bed was barely big enough for them, but they wouldn't be trying to sleep in it. Sean's breath shuddered out of him as he stared at the single fluffy green silky pillow and sheets with a large brown fur pelt blanket. Mark rubbed his arms, asking him in a low voice by his ear. "Sean... You can still change your mind. I won't make you do this." Sean buried his face against Mark's chest. His whole body was shaking but he forced his voice to come out as calmly as possible when he replied. "I can do it. I just... I need a moment." Mark wrapped his arms around him, holding him close to try and steady his shaking. The Elders around them started to move toward tables along the walls, where food had been set out. Which only added to Sean's distress. He felt like entertainment, and it was making him uncomfortable. Mark kissed his temple calmly, whispering to him sweetly. "Sean...? It's ok. Do you wanna leave?" Sean forced himself to inhale enough air to mumble out against his chest. "I can't... We... The Pack needs us. I can do it... I just..." Mark cupped Sean's face, forcing him to look up at him, before telling him passionately. "Sean. I will get them to understand. But I can't live with this... if you are not ok with it."

Sean stared into his beautiful brown eyes, suddenly recalling the bunny moment all over again. Mark was trying to take the pressure off him. Trying to save him from doing something he couldn't do. When he didn't answer, Mark pressed his forehead to his and told him gently. "I've already made love to you. We can tell the Pack we did it today... and we'll figure the rest out later." Mark started to pull away from him, getting the attention of his grandmother. She looked up from her plate at the head of the table, but before Mark could say anything, Sean blurted out. "Mark, don't." He was flattered that Mark was willing to do this, but he couldn't let him keep bending the rules for him. It was setting a bad example to the others. His hand shook on Mark's arm, but he stood tall when he told him seriously. "Not this time, Mark... This affects everyone. Not just me..." Mark tensed, but Sean released his arm and backed up until his legs hit the edge of the bed. He didn't have the courage to sit, but he kept his eyes only on Mark. He could only pray that he could get through this. Mark stared at him with worried eyes, it was painfully obvious that he wasn't comfortable with this. It had to feel like he was forcing him, and Mark didn't want to be that kind of Alpha.

Mark's grandmother cleared her throat to draw Mark's attention. Beckoning him with a finger, Mark leaned over the table to save her from getting up. She leaned forward and whispered something to Mark. Sean's eyes drifted to the other Elders and his heart twisted in his chest. They were eating and chatting amongst themselves, but their eyes met his with an expectant look that made Sean feel like he was going to be sick. The idea of trying to enjoy himself in front of these strangers was shredding his courage away faster than he could recover it. Sean's breathing turned heavy, and he hugged himself to keep them from seeing him tremble. He was wet, cold, and terrified. Mark looked at his grandmother with a sudden hopeful look and she nodded to him with assurance. Sean didn't know what to make of it. What was Mark going to do? What was going to happen to him? Mark turned to face him, taking a deep breath, before walking up to him. Mark walked slow, but Sean put his hand out to stop Mark by putting his palm to his exposed abs. Mark was still moving too fast for his mind and body to keep up with. Mark reached out to lift his chin, telling him so beautifully. "Do you trust me?" Sean stiffly nodded, his voice broken and strained when he answered wispily. "I do..."

Sean closed his eyes tightly, feeling ashamed that he was so vulnerable. Mark didn't move closer to him, he just put his free hand on Sean's hand that rested on his abs. Merely leaning closer to whisper over his lips. "Keep your eyes closed. Focus only on me." Sean felt a tear leak down from his closed eyes. Mark's warm hand slid up his arm, then went to his waist to slowly pull the tie holding his robe closed. Sean gasped, his hands rushing to hold the robe shut. He didn't open his eyes, but he bowed his head and debated about huddling up on the floor. Mark carefully wrapped an arm around him to turn him enough that he could press his back into Mark's chest. Sean gripped his robe shut so tightly that he thought he'd shred it. Over his shoulder, Mark spoke in his deepest and most soothing voice. "It doesn't matter what they think. I love you. And I've never seen a more beautiful person than you." Sean turned his head a little, his words warming the cold and fears at his core. Mark's hands stroked his arms to warm them, slowly getting them to stop trembling as Sean tilted his head back to nuzzle Mark's neck. Mark's lips found his, giving him a light and passionate kiss that Sean quickly got lost in.

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