Chapter Fifty: "Puppy Of Mine"

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Sean couldn't breathe as he held the little boy close to his chest and looked to Mark. He didn't know how Mark would react and it worried him. He had claimed it would mean nothing... but would he say that now that it was confirmed. Nathan seemed just as worried. Gulping, Nathan took a step back from Mark like he wanted to be out of his reach. Mark grabbed his wrist to keep him close though, his face expressionless. Mark's mother exhaled, starting to pace the room a bit as she mumbled out to herself. "I knew it... Great. Now we have a scandal on our hands..." Noah rocked the sleepy grey puppy in his arms, telling everyone in a calm clear voice. "Let's all take a deep breath and think about this. It's not a scandal unless we make it one." Mark's mom stopped short, whirling on Noah as she snapped out in a hushed tone. "His Second slept with his mate, Noah! That isn't right! What is the Pack going to think?!" Noah rolled his eyes, snapping back calmly. "They are young! He wasn't Mark's mate until recently. The Pack knows that. You know how many accident puppies we get during every new generations first Heat. It's more normal than you think." Mat nodded, slipping in timidly. "That's true."

Mark's mom pointed a stern finger at Mat, snapping out angrily. "Stay out of this!" Mat cowered from her, inching behind the baby bins. Pointing her finger next at Noah, she turned her anger on him as she retorted. "That's not the point! The Alpha is held to higher standards, Noah! You know that! He'll never hear the end of this! Now people will think that his mate has his Second on the side! A fucking City Wolf!" Nathan tensed up, his eyes averting from Mark's mom to keep from glaring at her. Sean was going to say something, but she told Noah a bit darkly. "Pack law says that if the pup isn't the Alpha's, then they are to be kicked from the Pack along with the offending sire!" Sean gasped, shifting on the bed as he blurted out in a panic. "No! You can't do that!" She ignored Sean, while Noah shot back at her through a low growl. "You'll weaken this Pack if you do that. And if you touch my son or his pup, I'll-" Mark's powerful voice barked out to cut them off. "ENOUGH!" Sean hugged his puppy closer to his neck to protect it, watching Mark look at them all in turn with a guarded expression. Then giving a shrug, he asked them bluntly. "Don't you wanna know what I think?"

Nathan tried to twist his wrist free from Mark's grip, until Mark told him firmly without looking at him. "Stop it, Nate." Nathan stopped but shifted on his feet uncomfortably. Staring his mom down, he told her calmly. "I understand why that law exists. But Sean didn't just have a single pup and the circumstances behind this puppy... I know he didn't do it to hurt me. Our relationship was complicated. Sean is young. He can have more. He gave me two beautiful little girls. An Alpha protects his own and Sean is one of MY Pack members. His puppies were born in OUR Pack. He's not going anywhere." Mark's mom turned to face him; her voice softer when she tried to explain to him. "Mark, listen to me. You may see it that way. But from now on, everyone is going to think he is cheating on you with HIM! Other Packs will question your lineage!" Mark tossed up his arms, stating out logically. "My lineage means nothing! I became Alpha because I was taught to be one and worked hard for it! I didn't get it because my dad was Alpha. There is a good chance my pups will NEVER become the next Alpha. And I'm ok with that. The Pack can say whatever they want... but I know Sean. If we run into problems... I'll handle it. But I'm not going to punish him for a crime he hasn't done."

His mom bowed her head in disappointment, before grumbling out. "Fine. Don't say that I didn't warn you. However, if you plan to head down this road. Then here is my advice." Straightening up, she told him with a sour look. "Give up the male to the sire. Denounce him as your son and your mate's pup." Sean's jaw dropped, shaking his head as he belted out. "NO! I... Mark?!" Noah moved to stand protectively by Sean, asking awestruck. "Why would you say that?" Mark's mom raised a hand to stop Noah, rushing in as nicely as she could. "I'm trying to think of that pup's health. Think of how the other pups are going to treat him for being a bastard. If Mark and Sean denounce him now and give him to the sire, he'll have a better life." Noah growled, while Nathan stammered out. "I can't raise a pup! I'm a Beta! I don't know the first thing about pup rearing! That's Omega territory! The pup won't last a day with me!" Mark's mom glared at Nathan, stating out emotionlessly. "Then you should have thought about that before mounting Sean." Nathan growled out loudly as he moved toward her. "Why you son of a-!" Mark's mom cowered from him, but Mark yanked Nathan back by his wrist with a louder snarl to stop him.

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