Chapter Three: "When Packs Collide"

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Sean stayed by the window, watching the group of City Wolves start to shove each other playfully as they raced each other toward the door of the school. He couldn't tell the Alphas and Betas from the Omegas. They all looked so wild, and their clothes made their physical appearances deceiving. When they slipped out of his sight, Sean whined softly to himself with eagerness to go see them. Mr. Atlen tapped his shoulder, chuckling out sweetly. "Come on now. Take your seat, Sean. You'll see them soon enough." Sean reluctantly made his way back to his seat. The other Omegas gave him concerned looks, prompting Sean to flip his hood back up to block out their stares. Mr. Atlen continued with his lesson but Sean was having trouble falling it. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Was he so desperate to meet new people? Was it because their Omegas appeared to be more... fun? Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, until he was watching the clock as it ticked down. By the time the bell rang, Sean was the first to bolt up to his feet and tried to rush out the door. Just as he reached the door, Mr. Atlen called out nicely. "Sean? Stay. Everyone else is dismissed." Sean hugged his textbook to his chest as the other Omegas passed him and giggled.

Sean exhaled heavily, dragging his feet as he turned and returned to his desk. Mr. Atlen closed the door after the last Omega left, before walking back toward his teacher desk as he started in. "I'm worried about you, Sean. You are a good Pup... but I know the others are... ostracizing you." Sean sat his textbook down, mumbling out as nicely as he could. "I don't care what they think. I didn't ask to be what I am. I don't belong with Omegas." Mr. Atlen chuckled, sitting on the edge of his desk as he told him openly. "You're just a different breed of Omega." Sean pushed his hood back to let Mr. Atlen read his expressions better as he asked him grimly. "If I'm different. Then why am I supposed to act like THEM. No offence..." Giving him a little smirk, Mr. Atlen replied sweetly. "You're still an Omega. You learn the same things, but the difference is how YOU choose to use the information. They choose to be submissive and are content with their place. While you... you're scared of being submissive." Sean tensed, but Mr. Atlen quickly slipped in. "I was scared too. Omegas put a lot of trust in their mate and their pack to protect them. It's scary. Especially, when you are young. You feel used and you feel like you have no say anything... but it's not true."

Sean snorted, causing Mr. Atlen to add lightly. "I'm serious. There is a lot of pressure on Alphas and Betas to be tough and strong. They are told to band together and die for each other against threats from other packs. They are told to fight for the mates they want. They are told that to be good leaders they have to work harder and stand out amongst the others. It's at its worst when the pack is getting ready for a new leader. No one knows what they will be doing or who will be in charge. It's stressful and emotional." Sean gestured to the hall, snapping out. "Is that any excuse for them to treat me the way they do?!" Mr. Atlen wasn't fazed by Sean's outburst. Instead, he calmly told him. "No. But I can tell you that they treat you like that because WE don't go through that kind of stress. We don't have to impress anyone. They seek us out for the company and peace." Sean shrugged, asking a bit defensive. "So, why are you telling me this?" Mr. Atlen inhaled slowly before answering clearly. "I just want you to be careful. I know your generation is different from mine. Your pack makes you unhappy right now... but things will change. Just give it a chance." Sean nodded, but didn't completely feel the weight of his words. He had no respect for the spoiled members of his pack.

Mr. Atlen gave him a hopeful smile, telling him nicely. "You can go to lunch now." Collecting his book, Sean started for the door. Reaching the door, he stopped to tell Mr. Atlen over his shoulder. "Thank you. For everything, Mr. Atlen." Mr. Atlen smiled brightly, telling him warmly. "If you ever need someone to talk to. My door is always open to you. Good luck, Sean." Sean genuinely smiled back at him, then slipped out of the classroom. He was going to miss Mr. Atlen's classes. Jogging down the hallway, Sean reached his locker to put his textbook away and then ran off toward the cafeteria. He was one of the last ones to enter and slowed to a stop to see how the new werewolves were integrating. The cafeteria was surrounded in large glass windows that overlooked the track and football field. There were bar tables against the windows and then rows of long tables down the center. Against the wall closest to the door he'd come into was the kitchen, where the staff was loading trays like an assembly line. Usually, the place was pretty quiet with soft conversations. It was an unspoken thing that Alphas and Betas sat at one end and Omegas at the other. It wasn't a rule. It was just something that happened as scents came in and no one broke that... until now.

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