Chapter Thirty-Three: "Unmuzzled"

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Sean stared at the gas pump, trying to will it to fill faster with his thoughts. Ethan leaned against the gas pump, crossing his arms as he sneered out to him. "Must be nice to not watch your figure." Sean tore the last of the meat off the bone of his chicken wing, trying hard not to respond to him. He was unable to keep himself from briefly looking over Ethan though. Ethan was skinner than him only because he had no muscles to speak of. With how tiny he was, he could imagine Sires lusting after him, but he wasn't a prime mate for breeding. Noticing the black football jersey that hung off his small body, Sean couldn't stop himself from snorting. Ethan glared at him, snapping out. "Something funny, Whore?" Sean put the wing bone into his mouth to chew on the end of it, his eyes locking with Ethan's. Ethan flashed him a sassy grin, saying in a passive aggressive tone. "I hope your little stumble didn't induce a miscarriage... I'd hate to think I deprived you the pain of seeing them drown. Although, your appetite clears my conscience." Sean removed the bone from his mouth long enough to blurt out with indifference. "I didn't realize you the had compacity to feel anything that wasn't shoved up your ass or down your throat."

Ethan's jaw dropped, but Sean just stared back at him with a small humorless smile. Straightening up off the gas pump, Ethan growled out to him. "I guess you would know that first hand, huh? Oh, sorry... You didn't mention hands. Probably because your Outsider only fucks you two ways. One to shut you up and the other to satisfy himself by mounting you from behind. Since he wouldn't get off looking at your face!" Ethan's friends gawked at each other, before snickering. Sean ignored them, focusing only on Ethan. Ethan took his silence as a win and quickly added even louder for others to overhear. "How does it feel to know that all of the Pack is thinking of you as an Outsider's cum dump? What happened, Sean? Did you realize you were going to die alone and decided to trap a few Alphas and Betas to get a little attention?" Other Pack members that stood around the gas pumps filling their vehicles looked over at them to see how this was going to escalate. Some of the younger Pack members even started to pull out phones to record it. While the Zeta Pack members just watched with neutral expressions. Ethan glanced at everyone, chuckling out loud and clear. "I'm sure your parents are so proud. Like daddy, like son. Did he tell you how the Outsiders like it? I heard from my dad that he was a real whore back in his day."

Sean took his other hand off the gas nozzle that was set in his gas tank. He was afraid that he'd spray him in gas and blow everything up. He didn't care if Ethan slandered his name but bringing up family was where he drew the line. Removing the bone from his mouth again, he walked up to Ethan without a sound. Ethan was distracted looking at his friends and laughing, until his friends yelped and pointed. Ethan whirled around and jumped back when he realized how close Sean was to him now. Lifting the thick bone before Ethan's face, Sean snapped it between his fingers with one hand. He hadn't meant to break it, he just wanted to threaten him with it like a knife... but he was stronger than he thought he was when he was angry. Sean's voice rumbled as he snarled out to him without a hit of mercy or fear of retaliation. "You know what, Ethan... My parents are proud of me. I didn't fall into the wrong crowd of friends that taught me to whore myself out for their amusement! I don't run my mouth because I need people to think I'm smarter than I am! I don't like being the center of attention because I need to stay relevant! I'm not worried that I won't have a mate that can take care of me! Nor do I put others down to feel better about myself!"

Ethan started backing up and Sean kept on him, backing him across the lot toward the wall of the gas station. Now that he had started, the words rolled from Sean like a tidal wave. Years of holding his tongue and being the better person disintegrating as he continued, getting louder and louder in his growing fury toward him. "Yes, my dad fucked an Outsider and so did I! But it seems he made the right choice with prospects like your dad. After all, MY parents are high ranking Pack members. You wanna see where fucking your way through school and letting others use you for entertainment goes? Go visit your dad at work! You'll be alone and dancing on a pole for your single and cheating friends too! You have no self-respect! No prospects! No real friends! You treated your life like a joke and no matter how badly you hurt others with your words... Their flaws are NOTHING compared to the joke that is YOUR life." Ethan's back hit the brick wall of the gas station and Sean growled into his face darkly. "Make fun of me, Ethan. Drag my name through as much mud as you can find. I FUCKING DARE YOU! You know why I don't care?! Because at the end of the day... I'm just glad I'm not YOU!"

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