Chapter Forty-Seven: "United We Stand"

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Mentally pushing his pain aside, Nathan grabbed the hospital robe and yanked it off his torso. Puffing himself up, he let out a deep growl as the distress of the Omegas spurred his adrenaline. Walking out through the doors, a City Wolf started to run toward the door until Nathan Snarled at him. The City Wolf slipped, falling onto his ass to avoid him, before yelping with fearful distress as he bolted away from him. The City Wolves closest to the entrance backed up a step or two but growled at him in stubborn challenge. On their own they were no match for him, but together they could swarm him. Not caring if they did, he stepped out toward them, snarling at each of them in turn. The largest of the group spit on the ground and started to move toward him. Nathan braced himself, until deep growls sounded from behind him. Nathan didn't look, he kept his eyes on the large Beta. The Beta looked at the others closing in behind Nathan, before looking to his own. The lesser Betas whimpered a little, looking to the bigger one with fearful eyes. The larger Beta took in their looks with worry. Even if he felt strong enough to take them... if his buddies fled, he'd be outnumbered. The large Beta gave them all stern looks, before shouting out. "What are you afraid of?! They're injured! Look at them! KILL THEM!"

Nathan cracked his neck, locking eyes with the large Beta as he challenged loudly. "Just try it!" The large Beta snorted, then removed a set of brass knuckles from his pockets to slip over his fingers. With one last snarl at his friends, the large Beta rushed up to Nate. Nathan didn't move, saving his energy. The man swung at his face, prompting Nathan to buck and slam into his waist to tackle him. The man yelped as he fell back across the pavement. Gripping onto the man, Nathan bit the man's side until he tasted blood. The man screamed in pain, then started punching Nathan in the side. Nathan took a few hits, before grabbing the man's throat during his fury of punches. Tightening his grip on the man's throat, Nathan released his side and sat up only to yank him up to slam him down on the pavement. Growling wildly, Nathan lost control of himself as he kept slamming the man down against the pavement to knock the wind from his lungs. Then when he grabbed Nathan's wrist, Nathan pulled him up and punched him across the face. The man yelped, spiting blood, before taking a swing at Nathan's throat. Nathan countered by dropping over him, going for his throat with his teeth!

The second his teeth grabbed the soft flesh, the man started whimpering and screaming in distress. The man removed his hands from Nathan, trembling as he tried to go still. Nathan growled against his neck, forcing the man to squeal and surrender. With great effort, Nathan let him go and got up to his feet. All around him a small group of City Wolves were watching with wide eyes. Nathan growled at them, causing them to jump back. Nathan moved off the man, glaring at them to see if the others were going to try challenging him. None of them made a move, but they weren't kneeling to him either. He caught two tensing up, their eyes drifting to something behind him. The Betas guarding the hospital started to call out to him, but Nathan beat them to it. The man behind him let out a subtle snarl and Nathan let out a snarl of his own as he whirled around. Ducking the man's swing, Nathan brought his fist up to punch him in the throat. With the adrenaline still in his blood, the blow hit hard enough that there was a sickening crack. The man fell to the ground limply, his last breath exhaling out. This time when Nathan turned his eyes on the others, they dropped to their knees. The Omegas across the parking lot, started screaming as the other City Wolves farther out tore open their clothes and tried to pin them down.

The Betas behind him didn't linger any longer. Running out across the parking lot to attack the City Wolves off the Omegas. When one overpowered them, those that managed to chase off the other Betas would jump into the brawl. Nathan glared at the kneeling Betas, snapping out. "Either help us or get the fuck out of the valley while you still can!" Some of them took off, but one or two lingered with uneasy allegiance. Nathan didn't have time to babysit them or test their change of heart. Moving away from them, he quickly joined the fray to rescue the Omegas that had tougher looking City Wolves on them. Nathan favored his burning side as he shoved City Wolves around but tried not to show weakness to them by disguising his pain with angry growls. Across the parking lot, the smashing of glass drew Nate's attention to a Beta that was starting to run toward a truck, where a young puppy was crawling out of the window and crying. The windshield had been shattered and a City Wolf was crawling inside after the young boy. The Beta reached the back of the truck, yelling for the pup to jump into his arms. The little pup ran across the bed of the truck and leapt over the tailgate. While the City Wolf smashed through the back window after him.

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