Chapter Forty-Two: "Let's Celebrate"

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Mark slipped his arms under him, holding Sean closer to him. Sean hugged him tightly in return, sniffling against his shoulder as happy tears streaked down his face. Mark kissed his neck, rubbing his back as he tried to sooth him with soft loving words. When Sean eased Mark up, he asked him in a broken voice. "You aren't mad? I thought you'd..." Mark brushed Sean's bangs from his eyes, then cupped his face with a small smile. His thumbs wiped away his tears, before telling him in a deep loving voice. "We had a rocky start... but that's the past. If we're going to survive each other... we have to learn and keep going. I love you and this doesn't change that." Sean twisted his fingers in Mark's shirt, whispering shakily. "But if they're not yours... Your mother said..." Mark shushed him with a little tender kiss. When he pulled back, he told him firmly. "Sean, my mother doesn't speak for me. She's not in love with you. I am. If they aren't mine, I don't care. They'll never know that I'm not... because I'll be there when they need me." Mark put his forehead to his, smiling so brightly when he told him a little excitedly. "There is more than enough room in my heart to be a parent to more than just my own offspring. I promise you that, Sean."

Sean bit his lip as his eyes teared up a bit more. Then he pulled him down into a long slow kiss. Any fears he had about picking Mark as his mate vanished. He felt like he'd made the right decision. He could imagine Mark loving his puppies when they were sad and protecting them when they were scared. It warmed his heart and gave him confidence for the future that they were making together. He didn't deserve him, but he loved him beyond what words could describe. When their kiss ended, one of Mark's hands moved down to stroke his belly and asked him curiously. "Are you hungry?" Sean blushed, mumbling out shyly. "I could eat..." Glancing up, Mark chuckled out almost to himself. "I think I know just the place. Come on." Mark sat up, extending out his hands to help him up. Sean accepted his help, groaning out a little. "Mark...? What are you up too?" Mark flashed him a grin, pulling him close to tell him sweetly. "Nothing. I just... I don't want everything that is going on to ruin what should be a happy moment in our life." Sean bowed his head a little, wishing his mom was here to celebrate with them though. Mark lifted his chin, whispering to him. "When this is all over. I'll let your mom intimidate me and rough me up."

Sean rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. He doubted his mom would do that, but it made him feel better to think that Mark would let her. Mark tilted his head up enough to kiss him again and Sean let him. As much as he hated feeling selfish right now, he couldn't deny that Mark was right. One day as a normal couple wouldn't hurt. They needed time to bond after being Claimed. It was more than a tradition; it was a need to feel the bond between them away from the eyes of the Pack. A chance to truly be together as a mated pair. Breaking the kiss, Mark's hand stroked down his arm to lift his hand. Kissing his wrist tenderly, Mark rubbed his cheek against his palm before kissing the tips of his fingers. The action was so soothing and made Sean step up against him as a cuddly mood filled him. He wanted to just hold Mark for a while. Wanted to feel his hands stroke over his skin to feel like he was welcome and wanted in his strong arms. He needed to feel safe and loved right now. Mark cupped his face to coax him into laying his head on his chest. His knuckles stroking his neck and along his shoulders before trailing back up to run his fingers through Sean's hair. Sean got lost in his warmth.

Closing his eyes, he thought he might just fall asleep in his arms. Mark bowed his head as he hugged him, filling Sean's nose with his soothing scent as they held each other for a long moment. At the soft sound of footsteps, Sean opened his eyes to see his dad starting to come around the corner, but he skidded to stop before entering the room upon see them. Smiling, he slowly backed up and out of sight. Close to his ear, Mark whispered to him lovingly. "My father's Claiming present to us was the keys to a little house... but I know you don't want to leave your dad alone. So, I won't ask you to leave him, but I wanted you to know." Sean smiled, whispering out. "Thank you for understanding." Pulling from his embrace, Sean told him sweetly. "I hope you stay with us tonight. I... It would mean a lot to me to have you share my bed." Mark brushed his lips over Sean's, telling him in a breathless whisper. "As long as that's what you want... My Luna." Sean blushed, giving him a little shy kiss in response. This time their kiss was broken by Nathan coming around the corner and asking aloud. "Mark? The guys are heading- Ow! What was that for?" Mark broke the kiss and Sean chuckled when he saw that his dad had swatted Nathan in the gut.

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