Chapter Twelve: "Let The Games Begin"

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Sean stood frozen to the spot, staring at Mark in utter disbelief. Mark locked eyes with him, his expression calm and loving. Shaking his head, Sean told him seriously. "If you lose, Nathan will kill you." Mark shrugged, telling him honestly. "That is always a risk. But if it is what it takes to prove my point. I'll do it. Nothing is more important to me than you." Sean stiffened, snapping back. "I'd never ask that of you, Mark. I'm not that selfish." Mark got up to his feet, stating out quickly. "I'm not saying you are." Sean took a deep breath, replying simply. "Yes, you are. You're asking me to talk you into giving up your future and that of the pack... all so you can show me how dedicated you are to me. And if I tell you to do it... and things go wrong. You and everyone else... will blame ME." Sean turned on his heal to leave, causing Mark to jog up to grab his arm. Sean tugged against his grip trying not to look at him. Mark kept a firm hold on him, telling him in a broken voice. "That's not how I intended it to sound!" Sean turned to face him, replying firmly. "I know... but don't ever say that you'd die just to prove something to me. That's not what I want." Mark released his wrist, asking him gently. "What can I do to prove myself then?"

Sean shrugged, mumbling out. "I don't know, Mark." Before Mark could try to stop him again, Sean jogged back off through the woods. Internally he was punishing himself and felt so confused. Why did Mark have to do this now?! Rejoining the festival, he saw the Zetas herding the puppies away. They were getting ready to let the big dogs start their games. The single Omegas were starting to line up around the field, getting ready to watch the Alphas and Betas. Sean saw Nathan moving to stand with some of the Betas and exhaled the last of his breath. His heart hurt. He felt torn and undecided. Leaving to go toward his tent, he tried to rush inside and hide himself away. He didn't want to watch this. He couldn't. Slipping inside, soft puppy whines left him. Curling up on his sleeping bag, he covered his head with his pillow. He heard the flap to his tent open as his dad asked him curiously. "Son? Are you ok? Don't you want to watch?" Sean whined, huddling up in a ball. From outside, his mom asked with concern. "Honey? Did someone say something to you?" When he didn't answer, they both eased into his tent to sit with him. His dad stroked his leg, asking him hopefully. "What is on your mind?"

Sean reluctantly peeked out from under his pillow, mumbling out anxiously. "How did you choose mom? How did you know it was the right decision?" His dad chuckled warmly, answering promptly. "I didn't. Choosing a mate for life is... It's scary to think about. But...out of the people that were interested in me. I laughed more around your mother. I wasn't afraid to say things that I felt. Whenever I got angry... your mother always found a way to calm me down or just listened. And I did the same with her." Sean sat up a bit more, hugging his pillow to his chest, when he asked curiously. "But... You must have known somehow?" His dad shrugged, honestly telling him. "Well, you're supposed to pick based on their scent... but I think that is really only a small part of it. I like your mother's scent, but I liked how we did things together. When my festival came up... I found that I didn't want to live without her in my life." His mother blushed, reaching out to take his father's hand. Sean's heart ached seeing the way their hands held onto each other. He could almost feel the connection between them. Part of him yearned for that. His mother brushed his bangs away from his face, telling him in a motherly voice. "Even if you don't get picked this year... There is always next year. You are young. You will have plenty of time to find your mate."

Sean blushed, informing her coolly. "It's not that. I know I have at least two people trying to win me over but... I don't really know enough about them." His dad looked at his mom with some worry but told Sean nicely. "Well... Trust your gut instincts. It's never wrong. Maybe Noctiluna will give you a sign." Outside the lead Alpha announced aloud. "Alright! With the young puppies safe, let's bring out the Alphas and Betas! First game is a test of individual strength. Alphas up first! Let's see who the strongest Alpha is!" Sean jerked his head up as the lead Alpha announced. "First up, My son. Mark. Against, Trenton's son. Griffon." Sean dropped his pillow and crawled across the tent to peek out at the field. In the center of the field a large circle of yellow rope had been set up. Within the rope, Mark and Griffon were removing their shirts and letting out growls. The lead Alpha stood between them, informing the onlookers and the Alphas. "Get you opponent out of the circle by any means necessary. Ready?" Sean crawled out of his tent, getting to his feet to watch. His hands were shaking with worry. Mark and Griffon tapped bare fists, before the lead Alpha gave Mark a worried look and removed himself from the circle. The second he was clear, Griffon dived for Mark's legs. Mark jumped to the side, shoving Griffon to the ground. Griffon rolled over and back up to his feet.

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