Chapter Forty-Four: "Whelp"

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He recognized the keychain at once as it dangled from the lock in the front door. His mom's key ring had a very specific look. There was one with her wedding picture, one with his ultrasound picture, and two separate pieces with each of their names and birth stones. She had always had a terrible memory with dates. So, her keys had what she considered the most important events that she wanted to remember. She'd never give them up willingly and certainly wouldn't just leave them in the door. Stopping before he reached the front door, he started to back up and stated aloud in warning. "Dad? Get Mark. Quick." Backing up into the kitchen, Sean whirled around to head for the backdoor but was suddenly grabbed by large arms. One of the hands covered his mouth, while the other firmly grabbed his waist to hold him against the person's body. Sean let out a muffled scream. While the man holding him told another man that was trying to do the same to his dad. "Let's go. Grab and go." Sean's dad thrashed against the man holding him, growling loudly and causing the guy to whine out. "I'm trying...!" The man almost lost his grip on Sean's dad but adjusted to slam his dad's face onto the kitchen table. Sean let out a distressed whine, thrashing wildly to try escaping, but the man holding him was holding him too tightly to even breath properly.

Stunned, his dad fell to his knees as blood leaked from his nose and mouth. The man gripped his dad again, yanking him up as he growled out to him. "That settled you down. Get up, bitch!" The man started to force Sean back down the hallway. However, before they got out of sight, Sean saw the man try to heft his dad up, but his dad had saved his energy for it. Upon being hefted up off the ground, his dad kicked his legs out to kick the dining table out toward the window that looked to the backyard! The stuff on the table clattered to the floor as the large wooden table crashed into the windows and shattered them. The man holding Sean cursed and began to run out with Sean as he growled out. "Stupid son of a bitch!" Inside Sean heard his dad snarling and the other man starting to scream. Sean tried to grab the doorframe to slow the man down, but the man elbowed him in the hip hard enough that Sean yelped and almost passed out. Hefting him up into his arms, the man raced across the yard and into the back of a white truck with a flatbed hardcover. The men waiting in the back grabbed Sean to hold him down, asking over Sean's screams for Mark. "Where is Ben?"

Zedekiah banged his hand on the side in a rush, telling the others aggressively. "He wasn't up to the task. Useless mutt." The truck surged forward, prompting Sean to sit up and struggle to get free of the men holding his arms. From the house, Mark and his dad burst from the front door, dashing across the yard after the truck as fast as their legs could go. Mark pulled away from his dad, almost reaching the tailgate of the truck as he let out a growl louder than the engine! Tears ran down Sean's cheeks as he yelled out to him. "MARK!" Zedekiah turned to face Mark, growling as he braced to fight Mark, but as the truck gained in speed, it pulled away from Mark. Mark kept trying to make himself run faster but his stamina wasn't endless, and he could only run so fast against a truck. Reluctantly slowing down, Mark still tried to run as he yelled out in a distressed voice. "SEAN!" Zedekiah chuckled, flicking Mark off smugly. Frustrated, Sean kicked Zedekiah in the ass, nearly kicking him from the truck as he lost his balance. Zedekiah's smugness faded as he quickly gripped the truck to keep himself from falling out, then glanced back at Sean.

Sean locked eyes with Zedekiah fearlessly, sneering out sinisterly. "Mark is going to rip you apart... if I don't do it first!" Zedekiah huffed, sneering right back at him with amusement. "Better mutts than you have tried. Now shut up and stay still. Or I'll break you until you have no choice." Sean clenched his jaw, he wanted to say more but he wanted to play this smart. He needed to think of a way to tell Mark where they were taking him. Zedekiah smirked, starting to say. "Good boy. Remind me to give you a-" Zedekiah let out a sharp surprised yelp that made everyone jump as someone leap onto the tailgate of the truck. Sean's heart skipped when he saw Nathan. Nathan kicked Zedekiah in the face, then bent down to enter the truck. Grabbing Zedekiah, he tried to shove him out of the truck as he snapped out. "Surprise, old man!" Zedekiah fell across the tailgate but gripped it tightly to keep himself from falling off as the truck raced around a turn. Nathan swiftly kicked out at Zedekiah's ribs and hands to try and dislodge him. One of the men holding Sean tried to reach out to hit Nathan, but Sean kicked his leg up and pinned the man's neck to the roof of the truck with his foot.

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