Chapter Forty-Six: "More Than Vengeance"

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Sean turned his head a little to look at Zedekiah out of the corner of his eye, while he listened closely to what they were saying. He was happy that Mark was getting close to finding him, but terrified if he did. Would he take the Aqueduct pipes to get to them or take the path through the woods to just get to the building? From inside the room behind him, someone told Zedekiah. "I sent out the message. Lexus is going to lead the Betas into the City now. She's asking about Cliff. Do you still want him?" Zedekiah leaned back against the doorframe, a wicked grin pulling at his lips as he told him firmly. "Of course. But for now. She should give him something to chase. I want to focus on the Pack Leader first. I have the bait for him... and he'll be bait for daddy after I break him." One of the men asked Zedekiah timidly. "Zed... I know you want revenge... but the last time we tried to do this-" Zedekiah cut off the man by grabbing him by the throat with his large hand. The man yelped in distress as Zedekiah lifted him off the ground to bring him to his eye level. Then glaring him down with an emotionless eye, he growled out to him in a low menacing tone. "This is about so much more than just my vengeance. This is about being the last true Alpha standing. I don't surrender. I don't admit defeat. I am THE ALPHA. There isn't an Alpha that I haven't defeated. This Valley will be MINE!"

The man clawed at Zedekiah's arm, whimpering as he started to choke. Zedekiah ignored his pleas, snarling angrily at him. "I am so sick of seeing lesser Alphas with strong Packs. They don't deserve them. I want the days back when you fought to prove who deserved to be a Pack Leader! When the strong had the balls to take what they wanted from those too weak to hold onto it! I deserve a strong healthy Pack! Not a bunch of sniveling cowardly pups that are content with fucking around!" Zedekiah threw the man into something inside the room that smashed. The others in that room gasped, while the man whimpered in pain. Stepping into the room more, Zedekiah angrily snarled out at the others. "ANYONE ELSE WANT TO SPEAK?! I get one whiff of fear from any of you... and I'll RIP YOUR FUCKING THROATS OUT RIGHT HERE!" Sean flinched, his hands shaking from the powerful threat contained in Zedekiah's Alpha influence. Punching the cement wall, Zedekiah growled loudly before stating in a darker voice. "We are here to take the Valley. If I have to keep killing you cowards and just do it my fucking self. I WILL!" Zedekiah started to straighten up, snarling out through his clenched teeth. "The next person with the balls to question me... will be eaten alive by those that WANT to live."

Zedekiah started to move back into the room with Sean, until a young male quickly approached to hand something to him. Snatching it from the young male, Zedekiah jerked toward him with a growl. The young male flinched back, resulting in Zedekiah backhanding him off his feet. The young male hit the floor so hard with a yelp that Sean jumped in his chair from the sound. Slamming the door, Zedekiah opened the folder to flip through it. Closing it, he tossed it to the floor with a snort and moved back around Sean's chair. Sean kept his head low, watching only his long muscular legs as they moved around to stand in front of him. Zedekiah's hand reached out to run a hand threw his hair, asking him in a cool tone of voice. "Where was I?" Sean didn't even acknowledge him with a muffle growl. He wanted to bite him so badly. Instead, he focused all his energy into trying to weaken the zip ties that had him strapped to the metal chair. Zedekiah spread his legs to stand over his lap, prompting Sean to really wish that he could bite his dick in half! He settled for trying to headbutt him, but Zedekiah grabbed his hair and tilted his head back to force him to look up at him.

Staring down at him, Zedekiah moved his hands to cup Sean's neck. Sean closed his eyes, trying not to show fear. He could think of a million things that were worse than being choked to death. Zedekiah's thumbs stroked his neck, before he leaned down and whispered over the leather muzzle. "You're cute enough that I don't want to break you... but I'm so eager to play with you." Sean closed his eyes, trying to block him out. Chuckling, Zedekiah brought his lips to his ear and licked it before saying in a disgusting vile tone. "I know you're afraid to like it. But you don't have to be. You were bred for this. All you need is a strong male like me to spread your legs for." Sean let out a deep throaty growl, causing Zedekiah to chuckle by his ear. One of Zedekiah's hands slid down from his throat and down over his exposed chest. Sean slammed his knees closed as Zedekiah's hand ventured lower toward his belly button. Sean growled louder behind his muzzle, jerking his shoulders to try and hit Zedekiah's face. Zedekiah easily leaned back to avoid his shoulder making contact, before leaning back in to graze his teeth over his throat. Sean tensed, trying to shove his head away with his own as he snarled behind the muzzle.

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