Chapter Fifteen: "Moonstruck"

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Sean dragged his feet as he moved up to the bike. Bill put his small erase board into his vest, then paused to look over his vest. Sean started to wonder if something was wrong. Bill slowly shrugged off his vest, before draping it over Sean's shoulders. The vest was a little damp on the outside, but the inside was warm enough. It didn't do much for his arms, but Sean pulled it on anyway. He welcomed the warmth over his damp chest. Hugging the vest, he asked Bill curiously. "Won't you be cold?" Bill swung onto his bike, shaking his head. Sean narrowed his eyes on him lightly. He was pretty sure that he was lying, but he doubted that he was going to get Bill to take his vest back. Bill kicked up the kickstand, then patted the seat behind. Taking his arm, Sean slid onto the bike and got settled. Bill checked his feet and waited until Sean put his hands on his waist before driving out. The wind rushed against his damp body, making him shiver now. He was thankful for the vest now. The leather was thick enough to fight the wind from chilling his core. Despite that though, he still snuggled closer to Bill's back to try and not get hit with the wind as much.

Being so close to Bill, he noticed things. The deep bite on his side above his hip where Nathan had bitten him. It looked raw and awful. Yet, Bill had never flinched from him holding onto him there. He avoided touching the spot now, feeling guilty. He hadn't seen the bite because Bill's shirt had covered it, but now that the wind was freely rustling his shirt, it was noticeable. Without his vest, Sean could feel every scar on him. He had scars along his back and down his arms. Most were old and healed over, but some were new. He wondered if the bear had given him most of them... or if they had come from fights. He couldn't picture a guy like Bill fighting. He seemed so gentle. So safe. Sean's hands moved up Bill's chest to hold him close. It made him smile a bit to feel Bill shivering but he was trying to hide it. Keeping his arms around his chest, he tried to warm Bill. With his palms over his chest though, he felt Bill's heart racing. He told himself that it was racing just because of the rush from riding a motorcycle. However, part of him hoped it was because he liked him. Sean blushed, unable to stop himself from smiling. He liked the idea of making a strong Beta act shy and nervous. He'd been around enough Alphas and Betas with strong personalities. Just once, he wanted to have a taste of that.

His thoughts affected him enough that he saw his one chance to see if he had that kind of control. His fingers lightly clawed Bill's chest, stroking him. Feeling out the curves of his chest. Bill shivered, getting a little restless in his seat. Scooting closer, Sean rubbed his cheek against Bill's shoulder. Bill stayed focus on the road and Sean held himself back from doing anything that might make him crash. He just wanted to see his reaction. It was hard to read Bill's face with his helmet, but his arms were tense on the handlebars, and he could feel him leaning into his hands. When Sean stopped, Bill stopped tensing as much and risked glancing back at him briefly. Unable to see his eyes behind the tinted visor, Sean turned away with a small chuckle. He felt strangely giddy and playful. Pulling into the parking lot though, Sean exhaled heavily as the weight of the world fell back on his shoulders. He could hear the Omegas playing more games and the Alphas and Betas cheering them on. If anyone saw him, they'd pressure him for an answer that he didn't feel like he was ready to give. Sliding off the bike, Sean anxiously stared off into the woods. He was starting to feel sick again. Sean hugged himself, his nails digging into his arms.

He'd been so lost in his failures that he hadn't noticed that the bike shut off. He didn't even hear or smell Bill, until his hands touched his. Sean jumped with a soft yelp, but Bill kept ahold of him. Prying his hands off his arms, he intertwined his fingers between his and hugged him back against his chest. Sean squeezed Bill's hands, mumbling out. "I can't... I just want to go home..." Sean started to shake in Bill's arms, sniffling before adding. "I'm not like them... I..." Bill's hands removed Sean's helmet, causing Sean to turn and bury his face into Bill's chest. He wanted him to take him home. Bill hugged him, rubbing his back. From the woods, people started to erupt with long howls. Prompting Sean to pull from Bill to look up at the sky. The dark sky was clearing, allowing the bright full moon to shine down over the Valley. Sean gasped as the light hit him. The cool light, calling to the wolf within him. Staggering away from Bill, he started to strip as his skin broke out in silvery grey fur. The transition happened quickly and was as flawless as breathing. Shaking himself, he snorted and then rose to his full height to unleash a beautiful howl of his own. When he finished, he crouched down and curled his tail around his ankles. His ears fell back nervously, his claws digging into the grass. He was the only silvery grey wolf in his pack, and he was shamed of it.

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