Chapter Fifty-One: "A New Generation"

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The next month was a crazy blur. Mark was busy preparing the house and moving both his and Sean's stuff into it, when he wasn't helping the Pack recover from the attack. While Sean painted the rooms and bought things for his puppies. His parents were always coming over when they could to try to help him with the pups. Nathan visited when he could to help, but Mark kept him pretty busy for a time. To Sean's surprise though, Mat came over more and more to drop stuff off for Simon that Nathan wanted to give his son. Which always resulted in him staying over to help out more than anyone else. Sean was grateful for it but couldn't help feeling like Mat was trying to be his friend for some other reason. Although, he was sure it wasn't for any malicious one. He was far to shy for that. His dad informed him that it was just something he'd have to get used too. Omegas always flocked to the Luna... but so far it was just Mat. Sean had been nervous about him at first. He didn't have any close friends anymore, but Mat's gentle nature brought him around eventually. Resulting in them growing close enough that he considered him his first close friend in years. He couldn't believe that he'd never run into Mat at school, but Mat was the shyest Omega that he'd ever come across.

His knowledge as a nurse even helped, whenever Sean got a little overactive over his puppies first colds and transformations back into human forms. After his mother healed, his parents were over all the time to see his pups and love up on them. However, Mark's parents rarely visited and when they did, it was only when Mark was home. It pained Sean to see them loving up on Mark's daughters but neglecting Simon a bit. It was fine while Simon was still far too young to notice... but he hoped that wouldn't continue as he got older. Mark always assured him that he was slowly working them over, but they were still so reluctant. News of Simon being Nathan's son had spread like wildfire, since a few nurses leaked it out. It was hot gossip for a week or two, but it died soon after, because Mark just shrugged it off whenever someone tried to get a rise out of him. Nathan fought a few people that got in his face about it. The rest of the Pack just ignored it since both Mark and Nate had clearly worked well enough together to defend the Pack as a whole. Some even claimed it was Mark's reward to Nathan for switching sides. As stupid as it was, Sean preferred those rumors over others. In the end, it was mostly forgotten. Only the stubborn ones still held onto it as being concerning for the Pack's future.

Rumors of Mark and Nathan turning on each other and the like. However, none of that had happened so far. In fact, as the years past a bit, Sean had other concerns as he watched Nathan and Mark with Simon in the backyard. Little Simon stood confused on the lawn as Nathan and Mark tried to spur him into sparring with them. Instead, Simon just backed away from them with a wide-eyed look that suggested they were crazy. When Mark grabbed him around the waist to pull him close, Simon let out distressed yelps and tried to wiggle away toward Sean. Mark let him go, letting him quickly crawl away. Sean rushed out to pick him up, holding him close as he cried. He started to scowl at Mark, but Pepper dashed out of a bush with a growl. Wrapping her little arms around Mark's neck, she bit him with playful aggression. Mark yelped in surprise as she jumped on him, causing him to fall into the grass. Nathan laughed, before joining them in their play fight. Sean could only shake his head at them. Pepper was the feistiest pup that he had. She was the oldest of his pups and the bravest of them. Whenever her siblings were scared, she took it upon herself to 'hunt' the monsters.

Pepper's human form had turned out to be just as pretty as her werewolf one. With long wavy light brown hair that flowed over her shoulders and little freckles over her porcelain face. Her eyes were even a gorgeous brown. Today, she was wearing a breezy sundress with a silk blue ribbon around her waist and two white bows on either side of her head to hold her long bangs back behind her ears. She always liked dressing so nice... but constantly removing the grass stains from her dresses was exhausting. The only thing that he could never seem to get her to wear was shoes. She told him that she was 'sneakier' and 'prettier' without them. Simon hugged Sean's neck, snuggling against him as he calmed down. Simon looked a lot like Nathan with his short jet black hair and soft features. He liked wearing loose shirts and a baggy sweaters. Stuff that allowed him to always be comfortable, since he tended to lay down a lot. He enjoyed playing with Timothea... but not Pepper. Pepper was far too rough and was into biting things lately. While Timothea was much calmer and quieter. Thinking about her, Sean glanced over to check on Timothea.

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