Chapter Sixteen: "Alley-Gators"

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Rushing back to the parking lot, Sean quickly collected his clothes. He managed to slip on his pants, before the early risers started to make their way out to the parking lot. With the Spring Equinox Festival over, things were going to start going back to normal until the Summer Festival... Or as normal as they could be. Now that he was going to be suffering a Heat every week, he didn't see things going back to normal for himself. The couples that had been mated a long time were usually the ones to leave the Festivals early. They'd be going back to their jobs or going home to relax. Part of him wanted to wait for his parents but the thought of explaining where he'd gone, and why he needed to go to the pharmacy was not a conversation that he was ready for. Collecting Bill's clothes, he stuffed them into the saddlebags of his bike for him. Just incase an Omega tried to snatch his stuff. Then running a hand along the smooth red tank, he read the name on the side and told the bike playfully. "See you later, Chief." Taking a deep breath, Sean started running back along the road to head back to town. He'd count this as his morning run.

Reaching the pharmacy in town, Sean panted heavily and made his way up to the door. Only to groan to himself. The pharmacy was closed for the Festival, like most things. Dropping to sit by the door, he decided to wait for the employees to show up. The sign said they'd be back by morning. So, he shouldn't have to wait long unless they were running like he had. While waiting, he put his head down on the tops of his knees and whined softly. He hated himself for slipping last night. It made no sense to him. He had been so careful. Rubbing his collar absently, his mind drifted to Mark. Mark would be so disappointed in him. After choosing him as his Luna, only to have him fuck an outsider. He was really making all kinds of impressions this year and none of them really good. A car pulled up and two women stepped out. They looked like they'd stopped off at home to shower and dress for work. The Zeta Beta woman was in the middle of a conversation with a younger Alpha woman. The young Alpha chuckled, telling the older woman through a giggle. "Ya. He's really sweet. I mated with him last year. The boy just makes the cutest sounds in bed. I love a cuddler." The older woman chuckled, answering casually. "Why not claim him before someone else does? Omegas like that don't stay single long."

The young Alpha sighed, replying softly. "I know... but Eddie is still so young at heart. I'm waiting for him to mature a bit more. He still acts like he's a puppy with no responsibilities and that concerns me..." The Zeta woman reached the door to unlock it, huffing back. "Honey, He's an Omega. They never truly grow out of that. They are tons of fun and we're no fun at all." They shared a laugh, before the young woman noticed him. Sean blushed a bright red, feeling guilty for eavesdropping. Giving him a warm smile, the young Alpha greeted him nicely. "Morning. Didn't see you there. Waiting on us?" Sean nodded, prompting the Zeta to push open the door as she told him. "Sorry to make you wait. Come in. What are you looking for?" Sean slipped inside, mumbling out embarrassed. "I... I can find it. Thank you." The Zeta flicked on the lights, gesturing him to look around. The Alpha shrugged, saying nicely. "We can help you find it faster?" The Zeta shushed her, then told her to restock one of the shelves. When Sean met the Zeta's eyes, she winked and told him in a low voice. "Supplements are in the second aisle, Honey." Sean swallowed, shaking a little as he walked toward the aisle. Was it obvious what he was after?

Walking into the aisle, he scanned the shelves. Among all the different supplements to prevent pregnancy, he stopped in front of the little boxes that had the morning after pills. Reluctantly picking up a box, he turned it over to read it. They had to be taken before the twenty-four hours after unprotected sex to work. Swallowing, he tried to get up the courage to go to the counter. He felt like this was a walk of shame. What would they think of him? He pretended to keep reading the box, but his mind was swirling with thoughts that were adding to his anxiety. He heard the bell ring and looked up with slight relief. There were a few Omegas entering. They were loud and chatting about the festival... and heading his way. Putting the box behind his back, he moved away from the section as they entered it. One grabbed two boxes, while his female friend blurted out. "Why so many?! You only need one!" The man chuckled, stating back smugly. "Call it my plan B. If I'm going into Heat every week... Then maybe I want to see what the differences between the Alphas and Betas are. I hear Alphas fuck the best. So, if I snag one. I wanna be prepared." The guy's friend laughed, retorting bluntly. "You are such a whore! If you don't pregnant before the year is out, I'm going to start thinking your pipes are broken."

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