Chapter Thirteen: "Running Wild"

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Sean hugged the tree, his nails digging into the bark. Watching them was making his heart race. The City Wolves cheered and howled for Nathan. While the others just cheered on both of them. Nathan grabbed the Country Wolf by the back of the neck, throwing him off toward the circle with a loud snarl. The Country Wolf fell across the ground, rolling uncontrollably to the marked edge. The Pack members gasped, but the Country Wolf managed to brace his leg and arm to stop himself just inside the circle. Nathan rushed in to grab the Country Wolf to shove him, but the Country Wolf wrapped an arm around Nathan's head and tried to roll him out of the circle. Nathan punched and tried to sink his canines into the Country Wolf's side, but only bit the silvery leather vest. The Zeta Alphas that were refereeing the match all crouched to watch the line as the two fought it out. The Country Wolf managed to sink his teeth into Nathan's arm, causing Nathan to yelp before exposing the Country Wolf's hip to bit him. They both tore at the flesh of the other, their muffled whines and yelps filling the air. The more they tugged on each other, the more they inched away from the line.

Sean turned his eyes to the lead Alpha. He could see the hope and distress on his face. If Nathan won this, he'd go on to fight his son for the Valley. While he wasn't allowed to cheer for anyone... it was clear who he wanted to win. Even if the Country Wolf wasn't apart of their pack, he wasn't as big of a threat to the Valley. Hearing a yelp, Sean jerked his head back to the fight. The Country Wolf twisted on the ground to knee Nathan in the ribs. Nathan jerked off the Country Wolf's hip, blood running down his lips. The Country Wolf took advantage of it by swiftly kicking Nathan again to knock him away from him. Nathan dropped to his knees, cradling his bleeding arm. The Country Wolf crawled away to the other side of the circle, cradling his bleeding hip. Both were panting hard but were far from finished. Nathan straightened up, growling menacingly. The Country Wolf straightened up, starting to walk the circle to keep a distance between him and Nathan. The City Wolves started to bark out in excitement. "KILL HIM, NATHAN! RIP HIS FUCKING THROAT OUT!" Sean swallowed with worry; his eyes locked on the fight. Nathan looked directly at Sean, causing the Country Wolf to look. Sean's heart almost stopped beating.

Nathan charged after the Country Wolf while he was distracted, prompting a loud distressed yelp to leave Sean. Nathan lunged for the Country Wolf, slamming into him hard enough to tackle him into the ground. All around, the pack members let out distressed or worried yelps. The Country Wolf hit the ground hard, and Nathan went straight for his throat with his teeth. Sean's nails tore off bark from the tree. The Country Wolf jerked his arm up just in time for Nathan's teeth to sink into his gloved wrist. The Country Wolf then wrapped his free arm around Nathan's neck and used his own momentum to flip him over him. Nathan yelped as his body hit the ground hard enough to make everyone wince. The Country Wolf released Nathan, putting his hands up for everyone to see in order to show his aggression was over. Sean didn't know why he'd done it, until a Zeta Alpha yelled out. "Nathan's out! Bill wins!" The Pack burst into loud gleeful howls. Although, the City Wolves looked pissed. Sean exhaled the breath he had been holding. He couldn't believe it. Nathan had lost. Nathan got up and seemed to limp off into the crowd. While the lead Alpha moved out into the circle to help Bill up.

Sean bit his lip. His name was Bill? The lead Alpha lifted Bill's arm, announcing to everyone. "Bill moves on to fight my son! Winner will become our new Alpha. The loser will become the new lead Alpha's second in command!" The Pack all cheered, then fell silent as Bill suddenly took a knee and lightly clawed his chest. He was withdrawing! The lead Alpha was stunned into silence as he asked Bill completely confused. "Bill? Are you sure...?" Bill nodded beneath his hood. The lead Alpha glanced around in shock, before shrugging out. "Then that settles it. Mark Fischbach is your new lead Alpha!" The Pack broke out into an uproar of happy howls and excited barking. Sean slumped back against the tree. He couldn't believe that Bill relented without a fight. He didn't get any time to dwell on it like everyone though, because the now Zeta lead Alpha told everyone. "With that settled! We move on to our Omega games! Let's find my son a Luna!" Sean jerked his head up. He didn't feel ready. The Zeta lead Alpha gestured people back to make more space. Then Cliff called out for the eligible Omegas to join him.

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